Fitness magazine apologizes for tweeting about ‘Christmas calorie burning’

Women ‘s health magazine must apologize for a tweet that encouraged readers to “burn those Christmas calories”.

Based in the UK Sunnd nam Ban the magazine tweeted on 27 December: “Are you out for running, walking or cycling today? It’s a great day to burn those Christmas calories … post your pictures here! ”

However, his effort to encourage people to stay healthy and share their exercise is backed up, with social media users shouting at him to write something that those at his. is eating disorders.

Check out some of these comments:

The magazine then had to apologize, and clarified that it was just trying to encourage people to use and share their photos.

“We are sorry for anyone with our recent post on discovering and burning Xmas calories. We tried to encourage you to exercise, share your photos and not wait until January if you have fitness or weight loss goals. We know that not everyone works for weight loss, ”he wrote.

While many people have fitness as their agenda when welcoming a new year, a tweet urging them to “burn calories” that they may be consuming at celebration, can cause a sense of panic and image. stimulate a negative body, especially for those who are obviously or are already dealing with an eating disorder.

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