Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg raised nearly $ 200 million from stock trading in March

Mark Zuckerberg, founder, chairman and CEO of social media giant Facebook Inc., has raised nearly $ 200 million through hundreds of stock exchanges so far this month, having turned nearly 550,000 shares Class A for $ 0, then sold over 725,000 shares above. $ 270.

The trades – much has been done every day so far this month through Friday, March 19 – were part of preconceived trading plans. They were made by Zuckerberg, as a trustee of the Mark Zuckerberg Trust, or in the name of Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Foundation or for CZI Holdings LLC.

In Form 4 films with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Zuckerberg revealed that a total of 546,363 Class As share FB,
was obtained through the conversion of derivative securities at a price of $ 0.

It also revealed that 725,204 Class A shares were sold, through approximately 350 registered trades, at an average weight of approximately $ 270.11 to raise $ 195,887,332, according to the MarketWatch calculation of the data.

The sales represented less than 0.2% of the shares owned by Zuckerberg, which recently reported 398,208,005 shares, or 14.2% of the outstanding shares, as of Dec. 31.

Read also: Mark Zuckerberg raised $ 35 million from Facebook stock trading this week.

The sales were made at prices as low as $ 254.08 on March 4 and as high as $ 292.61 on March 19. For information, the stock was trading in the $ 253.50 to $ 299.70 range in March through Friday, with an average closing price for those 15 trading days. of $ 269.02.

The stock rose 0.2% in trading on Tuesday afternoon. During March 19, the stock had accumulated 12.6% month to date, and the S&P 500 SPX index,
has gained 2.7%.
