Expanding energy economy in Mount Hebron: acquires the other rights in the solar project – the capital market

Chen teaches energy economy, Photo: Yachz

Energy Farm acquires the remaining rights in the solar energy project established in the southern Hebron Mountains, in which it is a partner for NIS 7 million. This is a 49.85% capital rights in the project it holds Southern Hebron Mountain Development Company.

It is a solar facility for generating electricity using photovoltaic technology with an installed capacity of 5 megawatts, which was connected to the electricity grid in November 2015 and is located in the Meitarim area in the Mount Hebron Regional Council. In September 2020, Energy Energy acquired the rights of



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In the project and now she wants to be the sole holder.


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Energy economy






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Issued in June 2020, since then has risen by about 33%. Since the beginning of 2021 the company’s stock has risen 10%. In addition to solar energy, the company also owns a subsidiary to develop charging stations for vehicles with batteries.

In an interview with BizPortal, the company’s CEO Chen Melamed explained that the company is trying to think outside the box and is looking for new lands. Therefore, the company is cooperating with the Bedouin diaspora and the Tarabin tribe. According to Melamed: “We have established a successful field with them. Both we and they benefit. We pay for this area and it is a source of livelihood for them. ”

It was further agreed in the memorandum of principles that on the date of completion, the lease agreement between the project partnership and Khalaf, which owns the land on which the project was established, will be amended. The agreement stipulates that until the end of the project’s license period, so Khalaf will be entitled to fixed annual rents. NIS 160,000, and a rate of up to 2.75% of income.

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