Exercise in the cold can burn more fat, new research shows

Infectious weather can be a good excuse for disrupting daily movement, but new research suggests that exercising at lower temperatures can burn more fat than normal – at least when it comes to explosions. shorter of high-intensity exercise.

In a study of 11 “moderately fit, adult” adult volunteers, lipid oxidation – the technical term for fat burning – increased more than three times during exercise in a colder environment of 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees Celsius), compared to a “thermoneutral environment” around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius).

Participants were taken through a set of routine workshops for high-intensity interval training (HIIE), also known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), at all temperatures: ten 1-minute cycling sprints at effort 90 percent, and then 90- second period of cycling on a 30 percent effort, with a cool time at the end of both sessions.

“This is the first known study to investigate the effects of cold environmental temperatures on hungry metabolism during high-intensity intermittent exercise, as well as the next day’s postprandial metabolism,” wrote the researchers from Laurentian University in Canada in their paper.

“We found that high-intensity intermittent exercise in a cold environment alters strenuous metabolism compared to a thermoneutral environment. However, additional cold stimulation was less favorable for postprandial metabolic responses the next day.”

When our bodies are active, it is best for them to process nutrients and maintain consistent lipid or fat levels in the blood. To examine the effect on the study volunteers, the researchers measured skin temperature, body temperature, heart rate, and the amount of oxygen delivered to the quadriceps muscles.

The next morning – after a high-fat breakfast – blood samples were taken to check for insulin, glucose, and triglyceride levels, to check for lipid oxidation levels again and to see if the benefits of the night before recovered.

While exercise in the cold increased lipid oxidation by 358 percent immediately thereafter, there was no significant difference after breakfast the next morning (the “postprandial” period). In fact, glycemic response (the change in the body’s blood sugar levels after eating) was better after exercise in the thermoneutral environment, in terms of post-breakfast readings.

“[W]the benefits of hile hunger appear to be present during HIIE starvation in the cold, postprandial metabolic responses are less favorable when high-intensity intermittent exercise is performed with severe cold, ”the researchers concluded.

With so few volunteers and just two HIIE sessions, it ‘s too early to draw wide – ranging conclusions from the study – but it’ s an interesting starting point for looking at how environmental temperatures could affect burn fat during intense exercise.

Previous studies have shown that HIIE is highly effective in burning fat – which is part of its application – and there is also an established link between body metabolism after exercise and how hot or cold the environment is. This new study combines these two areas of research to find more connections.

We know that exercise is vital in staying well and reducing the risk of diabetes, liver disease, cardiovascular disease and other health issues – so the more we know about what it takes. doing effective, beneficial exercise and what not, is the best.

The research was published in the Journal of Applied Geology.
