Elkin: “Netanyahu takes Likud to grave”

“I learned about Gideon Saar’s retirement from the Likud from television.” This is what former minister Zeev Elkin, who joined Saar’s party, reveals, “new hope.” In an interview with “Israel Hashavua” to be published on Friday, Elkin says that in the past year he did share his frustrations with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s decision-making process, but the two did not have a joint plan to form a new party.

Elkin announces his joining Saar // from Facebook

“I was desperate. I could not look directly at the voter and tell him ‘Netanyahu will vote because he will make the right decisions for the state.’ I saw no hope. “Applying to join. The deliberation was difficult, but I realized that there is no other way out of the vicious circle,” Elkin said.
The former Likud official accuses the prime minister of deliberately dragging the country into both the third and fourth elections. According to him, Netanyahu is doing this to improve his position at trial. “He thinks it is better to go to trial as prime minister, and if not then opposition leader. Netanyahu is taking the Likud to the grave. He will not leave the party leadership even if he loses the election,” says Elkin, who was one of Netanyahu’s closest associates. According to him, Netanyahu was and still has many rights in promoting the state, but “he went through a dangerous process that led him to think that what is good for him is good for the state.”

Saar: “I will establish a party and I will face Netanyahu” // From Facebook

Elkin added that Dardor Israel’s blame for the fourth election also rests on blue and white. He sharply attacked Ganz over the dismissal of Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn. “As soon as Nissenkorn leaves the Ministry of Justice, the tragedy of the fourth election became a parody, because it was Nissenkorn’s insistence on staying in office that prevented the compromise between the Likud and blue and white that could have prevented them. .

Regarding the chances of a new hope to form the next government, Elkin said that if and when the mandate is imposed on Saar, he will know how to do so. “I give you a commitment. As soon as Netanyahu is unable to establish, we will be clean. Both Gideon and I are experienced enough, and I will invest everything I know about the Knesset in this,” Elkin said.
