During a court hearing in Zoom: Defendant was in the midst of plastic surgery

The plastic surgeon, Dr. Scott Green, appeared before the Traffic Court in California, USA, which took place through the Zoom app, while he was in the midst of surgery. These days, the state medical council is investigating the bizarre incident that took place last Thursday, as Dr. Green took part in his trial while holding the surgeon’s knife in his hand and the patient was lying next to him under anesthesia. Watch the legal hearing held during plastic surgery:

Dr. Green held in one hand his cell phone, and in the other he performed plastic surgery, while talking to Sacramento Court Judge Gary Link. While Dr. Green was wearing the surgeons’ suit and in the background the medical machines beeped, Judge Link asked in amazement: “It seems Like you’re in the operating room right now. Are you available for trial? “, And Green answered him indifferently:” Yes, I am available. “

As soon as the legal process begins, Judge Link realized that Dr. Green was in the middle of surgery and said, “Unless I am wrong, I see that the defendant is in the center of an operating room and is engaged in providing service to the patient. Is that true, Mr Green? “, While the police representative, who was present at the trial, stated that the surgeon should be treated as Dr. Green. Judge Link, who was uncomfortable with the unconventional situation, decided to cancel the hearing and adjourn it “to a date when he is not actively involved or caring for a patient’s needs.”

Finally, a new date has been set for the court hearing, but the documentation of Dr. Green’s hallucinatory trial was broadcast live on the court’s YouTube page, as U.S. court proceedings are open to the public. Following this, the California Medical Council decided to file a complaint about Dr. Green’s performance claiming that “he did not meet the standard of care and underestimated the medical procedure.”
