Dow is falling 660 points on a loss for shares of Johnson & Johnson, Apple Inc.

Shares of Johnson & Johnson and Apple Inc. returns Friday afternoon, bringing the Dow Jones industrial average into decline. Shares of Johnson & Johnson JNJ,
and Apple Inc. AAPL,
contributing to the intraday decline of the blue rod, as the Dow DJIA,
recently they were trading 660 points lower (-2.2%). Johnson & Johnson shares are off $ 8.06 (4.8%) while Apple Inc. shares. off $ 6.37 (4.6%), coming together to pull around 95 points on the Dow. Also contributing significantly to the decline is 3M MMM,
Chevron CVX,
and Dow Inc. DOW,
A $ 1 movement in any of the 30 parts of the criterion equates to a 6.58-point swing.

Editor’s Note: This story was automatically created by Automated Insights using data from Dow Jones and FactSet. See our Market Data Terms of Use.
