Double masks provide dual protection against COVID-19


Wearing a double mask provides twice as much protection against COVID-19 as one, according to a new study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In the study released on Wednesday, two artificial-activated artificial heads were ejected with one or two masks, and grains the size of COVID-19 grains were sprayed on them from a distance of about 2 meters. (6.5 feet).

The researchers found that 40% of the grains sprayed on the artificial head were blocked with one mask, and 80% were blocked on the artificial head with two.

If everyone in the same environment wears a double mask, the amount of blocked grains increases to 95% overall, said Dr. John Brooks from the research team.

“The first challenge is to get so many people to wear masks. After all, to help those who wear a mask get the most out of that mask, “Brooks said.

The CDC has updated the anti-virus guide that a cloth mask worn over a surgical mask can be made more protective by closing gaps in the first mask.

But some of the factors in the study tended to contradict the decision, a CDC press release said. As the study was conducted with one medical mask and one clothing – among many different ones available – he said: “The results of these simulations should not normally be taken effectively. all medical procedure masks or clothing masks or be defined as a representation of the effectiveness of these masks when worn in real situations. ”

The findings may not be common for children or men with beards and other facial hair, the CDC said.

She said controlling the spread of the virus is crucial not only to reduce the widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on human health and the economy but also to reduce viral evolution and expose potential variables. alter the dynamics of transmission or influence the usefulness of diagnostics, treatment and vaccines.

“To achieve vaccine-induced population immunity, universal insult is a very effective way to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 when combined with other protective measures, such as physical speed, population avoidance. and indoor areas with poor ventilation, and good hand hygiene. ”

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