Discovery work in theoretical physics


IMAGE: Time lapse shows the number of publications related to dynamic density action theory. view more

Cliu: M. te Vrugt et al.

Scientific articles in the field of physics are relatively short and deal with a very limited topic. One amazing thing about this is a recently published article by physics from the Universities of Münster and Düsseldorf. The 127 – page article lists 1075 sources in total and covers a wide range of branches of physics – from biology to quantum mechanics.

The article is a review article called and written by physicist Michael te Vrugt and Professor Raphael Wittkowski of the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Center for Soft Nanoscience at the University of Münster, together with Professor Hartmut Löwen from the Institute for Theoretical Physics II at the University of Düsseldorf. The aim of these review articles is to introduce a specific topic area and to summarize and evaluate the current state of research in this area for the benefit of other researchers. “In our case we are dealing with a theory that has been used in many areas – the dynamic density action theory (DDFT),” explains the late author Raphael Wittkowski. covering all aspects of the topic, the article turned out to be very long and extensive. “

DDFT is a way of defining systems that contain a large number of interacting granules as found in liquids, for example. Understanding these systems is important in a number of research areas such as chemistry, solid state physics or biology. This in turn leads to a wide variety of applications for DDFT, for example in materials science and biology. “DDFT and related methods have been developed and implemented by a number of researchers in a number of contexts,” says lead author Michael te Vrugt. “We explored the methods and how they are connected – and for this reason we had to do a lot of work working as historians and explorers,” he said.

The article was published in the journal Advances in physics, which has an impact factor of 30.91 – making it the most important journal in the field of thick subject physics. It publishes only four to six articles per year. The first article on DDFT, written by Robert Evans, was also published in Advances in physics, in 1979. “This makes us particularly pleased that our review has been published in this journal,” says high school author Hartmut Löwen. DDFT and may be standard work in our field of research. ”


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