Deliveroo Funded Global Values ​​Company at more than $ 7 billion

Covid-19 Lockdowns offers promotions for online grocery and takeaway sales

Photographer: Hollie Adams / Bloomberg

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Deliveroo has raised more than $ 180 million in its latest funding round, valuing the UK’s online food delivery company at more than $ 7 billion, according to a company statement.

The investment comes as a Eyes strong with support from Inc. lists a possible list this year, which expected in or around April.

The funding cycle, led by existing shareholders Sustainable Capital Partners LP and Fidelity Management & Research Company LLC, is looking at the initial valuation equivalent of the UK blue-chip grocery J Sainsbury Plc market capitalization and eclipses of Wm Morrison Plc Supermarkets.

As locks lock the movement of people and businesses close, food delivery companies like Deliveroo and Just Eat NV saw an increase in consumers ordering takeaway food from home.

Despite the rise in demand, competition for market share remains fierce, with Delivery Hero recently raising as much as $ 1.6 billion in its retail sales to fund potential contracts, while Just Eat Takeaway has been making “significant” investments, according to a recent trade update.

Deliveroo said it will continue to invest more in its business, including an expansion of the on-demand grocery service and the “Editions” dark kitchen concept.

– With the help of Giles Turner

(Correcting a company name in the first paragraph)
