“Danny Has the Qualities of a Star”: Washington Broadcasts in an Interview

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After his record game in the Washington uniform against Miami, Danny Abdia and the Wizards will meet Phoenix tonight (02:00, live on 5 STARS) with the goal of getting back on the winning track. The Israeli is new to the team and of course to the league, but relative to the short period of time he has been playing in the capital – it can be said that he has left a positive impression on the club, including home broadcasters Justin Kutcher and Drew Gooden. The two were interviewed for “Open Field” and told about the beginning of the Israeli star in the NBA.

Justin, how did you think of Shabbat Shalom?
“Well, I’m a Jew, and it was Saturday night. So I said to myself ‘know what, it’s just right, he scored 3 in a row.’ I said that, and we enjoyed it because I think he enjoys it, and the Jews I know, my friends, enjoy it. also.
We speak so many languages ​​because we have players from so many countries on our team. “

We’re talking about Abdia’s best shooting performance. Drew, do you like where Danny is right now?
“Yes, he has a chance with the injuries, especially in the previous game against the Miami Heat, when Russell Westbrook and Bradley Bill were unavailable. We need to see more than Danny, and what he can provide for the NBA team. You can see his ability as a playmaker, he scored very well outside the arc. In the previous game, he scored 5 of 9, he scored 20 points.We could see that he is able to be a scorer in this league, what I like most about Danny is his game wisdom, knowing where to be at all times on the floor, offensively and defensively.Usually it takes Lots of time for young guys, more time to learn it in the NBA, and Danny came and honestly knew everything, and has known so far all the places he needs to be, so he’s a true professional. In that regard, he played against much more mature players. The Rockies this season. “

Justin, you’re broadcasting the Washington Wizards games, and I think Danny has what we call “STAR QUALITY.” You agree?
“I think he has. I think it’s easy to love him. Fans see it, even at press conferences,
When he talks about his abilities as a playmaker. He says he likes to involve his teammates,
That he likes to help his teammates get baskets, that’s what makes him feel good. It will be hard for him to be the ‘star’ right now, because his team includes Russell Westbrook and Bradley Bill, but it helps him, because he can progress at a slower pace, and just play his game, and not have to carry all the burden. “But I think what he can do for the Wizards, and for Jewish kids all over the world, is to introduce them to the basketball industry and make them love the game, love the Wizards, and love the NBA.”

Drew, it’s pretty obvious that with Bill and Westbrook on the floor, not everyone gets a piece of the pie. Do you agree that it might be better for Danny to get off the bench right now?
“As for Danny, I think he’s a useful guy ‘and’ useful guy ‘I mean you can put him in the top five, put him on the bench, it doesn’ t change. , In the second quarter and even at the end of games.With the injury we saw from Thomas Bryant, the Washington Wizards will need smaller basketballs, and smaller teams.
So I think we’ll start to see Danny get more time, not only in the small forward position, but now we’ll see him play the same in the power forward position where I think he will have an advantage, with his speed and playmaker abilities. “

“Unlike European basketball, where you made a mistake or two, and you’re out of the game. You pay them a lot of money, I don’t know how much you pay players in this league of yours there, but Russell Westbrook probably earns more than some of your teams are worth, so you have to listen to him sometimes. Teams “San Antonio and Miami are known for their ability to develop players.”

Do you both think that Washington can do the same for Danny?
“I think it’s a great question, when I saw Danny, when he finally played, I started to think to myself: wow, what other teams can fit his style of play. And San Antonio is one of the teams, because of the team chemistry they play almost European, international style basketball over the years Many under Greg Popovich. “

“I think with Danny and the Wizards, what you see, because of what you just said, his discipline, after playing as a professional overseas, and now that he’s here, he’s earned his place in the top five at the start of the year. Scott Brooks was very impressed with him he never argued. , Did not complain when he was fouled in training, he earned the respect of his teammates, when you remember how Roy Hachimura was a rookie last season, and when you see what he does this year, he made a leap.I think there are good development processes here at Wizards and I think you will see the Danny continues to develop because he has a lot of abilities. “

Drew told me on a previous broadcast that he needed to see three moves to figure out if anyone was an ‘actor.’ We knew, in fact, after one move, that Danny was an ‘player.’ It will continue to evolve here in DC. “

Drew, if not referring to the game against the Heat, it was not a simple week for Danny, he played it less and contributed less, is it part of a normal rookie process, or is it something to worry about?
“No, he does not have to worry at all. I do not know if you saw the clip of Bradley Bill talking to Danny, about his first year. He asked Bradley Bill: ‘How will the first year be?’, And Bradley Bill said: ‘You will have days Good, you will have bad days, and you will have days that are “so-so.” So I think Danny has had days of these three types, so far, at this stage of his career, he has had good days, bad days, and days in between. And that’s how it works. “

“In my rookie year, after I was the 4th pick in the draft, I was not ‘sweet’ for the entire season. In the middle of my first season I was traded to the Orlando Magic and it helped me deliver the goods in a different position, when I was in Memphis, I felt I was not playing in my position. , Compared to Orlando Magic.You will get opportunities to introduce yourself, when players are injured, as we saw in the previous game, when Danny had to open, and guess what, when he opened, he provided the goods he was willing to play, and he had 20 points and he performed well “He gained the trust of his teammates and the coaches. So expect to see Danny play more, with all the injuries, then he will have better days later.”

Washington started the season very badly, at 8-2 there is a danger to Scott Brooks’ status, or is it early in your opinion?
“I would say there is a long time, because even though the balance shows 8-2, I do not think this balance tells the true story of this team. I think this team is much better than the 8-2 balance, did not defeat them, they had a chance to win at all “One of those 8 losses, and they also led in those games, in those eight losses, so I think they have, ‘big problems,’ so-called.”

“Yeah, and I think with this team, it’s really early. We’ve only had 10 games on a schedule of 72, not 81, but I think, and I know it sounds cliché, need to get one win, and build on that. Gain momentum, and now, this team will have to make adjustments, with the injury of Thomas Bryant, and that’s where I think Danny can rise above. Going back to what Drew said about the rookie season, he came after 3 bad games, and responded with 20 points against Miami. So I think his potential is very high, and as for the Scott Brooks, I think he’s keeping the team where it should be and I think we all agree, they have to improve their defense. If they can present better team defense, this team can score on anyone, no matter who is on the floor. Even without Bill, Westbrook and Bryant, they still managed to score 128 points. “

Drew, you played against the first Israeli in the NBA, Omri Caspi. Can you compare the game of the two? And what does Danny do differently?
“Omri Caspi … In my opinion, I think Omri Caspi played more in the guard positions, yes, he also played in position 4 sometimes, but Danny, I think he can play from position 2, and even to the chin position sometimes, these days.
I think Danny is taller, maybe not taller, but looks bigger, probably controls the ball better, Omri Caspi had a great shot, you can not take away from him his ability to score, and I do not know if Danny can score as well as Caspi, but It’s still an early stage in Danny’s career, there’s still a big question mark around him,
He has room to get better, so I do not think Danny’s story is over. So it’s hard to tell if he’s better or not, from Omri Caspi. “I think he has the potential for a long career in the NBA, like Omri Caspi’s.”
