Danny Dayan: “Prefer a coalition with Lapid and Michaeli”

“If Abtissam Mara’ana Mara’ana represents the Labor Party, the party without will be able to be part of our coalition.” This is what Danny Dayan, the candidate of the “New Hope” party for the Knesset and the former Israeli consul, promised last night (Wednesday) in the joint election broadcasts of i24NEWS and “Israel Today”. In an interview with the English broadcaster, presented by Kalev Ben-David and Ariel Kahana. Dayan then issued a clarification in his remarks: “I meant to say that if Mara’a’s positions represented the Labor Party we will not sit with them, not that if she is elected we will not sit with them.”

Danny Dayan in an interview in English at the Israel Today joint studio and i24NEWS channel // Photo: i24NEWS

Dayan, who was placed 11th in Gideon Saar’s party, added that he and his friends would rather have a coalition with Yair Lapid and Merav Michaeli than with Netanyahu. Asked why as a right-winger he prefers to join left-wing parties rather than Netanyahu, Dayan said that “13 years is definitely enough, and there are two reasons for my decision to disassociate from Netanyahu. One is the complete failure to manage the Corona crisis. The book opens. Everything is absolute at the last minute. “

“Only an assault can”

The second argument presented by Dayan, who was appointed by Netanyahu to serve as Israel’s consul in New York and previously served as chairman of the Yesha Council, is what he defined as the “toxic discourse that Netanyahu and his supporters are leading inside and outside parliament.” It is a coincidence that Menachem Begin’s son and Yitzhak Shamir’s granddaughter joined us. ”

According to Dayan, “These elections are not between right and left, or between conservatives and liberals, but between those who want to divide our society and those who want to cure it.”

Dayan claimed that his party’s weakening in the polls was temporary and natural, and that in the run-up to the election it would be strengthened again, “because people will understand that only Gideon Saar can replace Netanyahu as prime minister. I know Saar for more than 30 years. He has the skills, experience, ideological basis And the integrity to serve as prime minister. “

Danny Dayan in an interview in French at the joint studio of Israel Today and i24NEWS channel // Photo: i24NEWS

Dayan did not answer the question of whether his party would prefer a fifth election over a possible joining Netanyahu’s government, because he claimed this would not happen. “Either Netanyahu, with Bennett, Smutrich and probably also Mansour Abbas from the Islamic Movement, will receive 61 seats or the mandate will pass to us.”
