Dalio’s son, founder of Bridgewater, was killed in a car crash

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The 42-year-old son of Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates has died in a car crash, Dalio said in a Twitter post late Friday.

Bridgewater is one of the largest hedge funds in the world, famous for making money during the 2008 financial crisis and Dalio’s views on markets and the economy are closely followed https://www.reuters.com / article / us-hedgefunds-dalio / bontean-dalio-faic-70-percent-chance-of-recession-before-2020-idUSKCN1G604T.

“It is with great pain that I share with you that my 42-year-old son was killed in a car crash yesterday. My family and I are mourning and mourning and I would rather be incommunicado at the moment, “Dalio said in the tweet https://twitter.com/RayDalio/status/1340110013122134019.

Dalio has four sons, according to the Bridgewater website https://www.bridgewater.com/people/ray-dalio.

The Connecticut Post https://www.ctpost.com/local/article/Dalios-mourn-death-of-son-in-Greenwich-crash-15815253.php identified Dalio’s son as Devon Dalio.

Devon Dalio, 42, was a co-founder of private equity firm P-Squared Management Enterprises and worked at Bridgewater Associates earlier in life. He was married with a young daughter.

(Reporting by Megan Davies; Editing by Andrea Ricci)
