Cyberpunk 2077 mods allow V to use cool cyberware NPCs

One of the things that really disappointed me when I first started Cyberpunk 2077 was the lack of cool cybernetic implants and body changes to choose from in the character creator. I’m not laying out the few glossy wires and lines we could pick for to engage a V face, I think those are great, there just aren’t enough of them. Fortunately, there are modders out there, and they’ve made a handful of good’uns that let you cyber your V properly – including a full – bodied chrome mod.

Here ‘s a little vid for me going around with some cool cosmetic mods (warning: chrome V boobs are pretty much out here as none of the mods just wanted the outfit).

The first one you will see is the “Crazy Potato” mod of Chrome V. I really like this one. I’m always very passionate about the different NPCs with weird skin textures in the future, and I’m baffled why that’s not an official choice for players. The only downside to this mode is that magumbos V sticks out of her clothes a bit because it has been activated. There’s no nip though, so it’s not really NSFW or anything (I believe it looks like a robot at this point, so makes redundant bumps).

Next up is the Plastic V mod by “Dobrov”, it makes the V skin look a lot like Barbie. I feel like this one fits the world a lot better than chrome, because it’s not so obvious that V doesn’t really have skin so you can look a little closer.

It is worth noting that with these two full body models you have to wear certain things in order for them to work, otherwise body parts V will disappear. For example, the plastic mod will take away your eyes if you don’t wear special glasses. To that end, you may notice that V arms are also invisible while using the plastic mod in that vid. I followed all the instructions to prevent that from happening, useless alas. I like it though. I mean, parts of her arms are still there, she just looks a bit like Rayman now – the most cyber video game character.

If you’re looking for face stuff, I recommend the Netwatch Cyberware mod with “l2ahman”. As the name implies, it gives you the face-to-face cyberware that appears on the Netwatch representative in a major Cyberpunk campaign. It doesn’t look okay on my V because it hides under her hair, but I like the gloomy look to it. Some strong cyberstuff there.

I wish V women could use these borg eye items, they look so freaky. (Screenshot from Kriegerurteil on Nexus Mods.)

Cyber ​​Eyeware with “Kriegerurteil” also has some great options, allowing players to use cyberware as the freaky borg eyes (the ones that look a bit like the Widowmaker look in Overwatch). Unfortunately these only work with male Vs, so I was unable to try them.

Finally, some make honorable mention for Valentino Cyberarms with “Soriyumi” and the Cyberarms Library with “Padhiver”, which both replace some of the various cyberarms you will find in the game. I couldn’t try these myself because sadly I don’t have enough street credit to say arms. I probably would have had enough if I spent more time doing missions, always trying to make V look cooler than everyone else.

Those robot cyberarms are my reputation, I gotta get a little more street credit. (Screenshot from Padhiver on Nexus Mods.)

Full instructions on how to download any of these mods can be found on their Nexus Mods pages, to which I filled in links via this post.

If cosmic tweaks aren’t your thing, get loads of our other favorite Cyberpunk 2077 mods.

My personal review of this game is just “hey, at least I can make myself look cool”. For some correct comments though, take a good look at Graham ‘s review, Cyberpunk 2077.

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