CRISPR technology is now tracking when cancer spreads in the body!

Cancer cells are notorious for their rapid spread and disease in the body, making it almost impossible to treat without the use of major medical procedures including surgery and chemo-radiation, but doctors and physicians have found -science way for that. The new technology they discovered will be called CRISPR Genetic Engineering, which tests cancer cells and monitors their progress.


(Image: Pixabay)

First, doctors are concerned about the spread of cancer cells, immediately urging the individual to go through rigorous medical procedures that are expensive and involve a number of processes that are indeed time consuming. Medical science has evolved over the years, and they have now used one of the most powerful technologies present in the world, computers.

Cancer is one of the leading killers in human history, because it directly spreads the disease to the very base of man, their cells.

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CRISPR Technology: Genetic engineering for the monitoring of cancer cells

DNA genes

(Image: Pixabay)

In a study recently published in the publication of Science 21 January last year, the researchers coming from different backgrounds have devised a method using CRISPR Tool, to track cells using genetic engineering of a person and their cells. This method would now look deep into the base of genetic strands and see the cells that are healthy and under the influence of cancer until it grows.

Cancer cells are often confined to a specific place he chooses and stays there to capture the cells as he plans for the next step or move to do so, in the form of body damage. the person. Doctors fear the process by which cancer cells “metastasize,” a process in which it spreads its chaos to other parts of the body, tracing the disease to various parts and forms of cancer.

Metastasizing is dangerous and is thought to be a more advanced form of cancer, more deadly than the disease originally diagnosed. The CRISPR Tool, which aimed to monitor these cancer cells, usually its source, uses genetic engineering and maps the “queen bee” of the cancer cells so that doctors can aim. and strategically removing from the human body.

The CRISPR tool was originally designed for Embryogenesis of mammals

Jonathan Weismann, MIT Professor of Biology and lead researcher, led the group with their research and output of the now-advanced CRISPR-enabled device to fight cancer. However, the inspiration came from the “Molecular recording of mammalian embryogenesis,” a study developed by Michelle Chan who is part of the Weismann Lab.

The organization calls this method a “scratchpad” which detects any sign or evidence of a cancer cell in the body and finds it all the way to its source, the original infectious cancer. The CRISPR Engine for these cancer cells would also not alter or rely on normal markers of cell origin, but they would create the best and most likely genetic markers that could produce the search to the “queen bee.”

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This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Isaiah Alonzo

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