Covid-19 psychological trauma

The devastation caused by Covid-19 is immediately apparent in the number of cumulative deaths. As I write this, more than 353,000 Americans have died from Covid-19, and the CDC national ensemble forecast suggests that this number could rise to 424,000 by January 23, 2021. Think about about this – in a race of less than three weeks, Covid-19 can kill 71,000 more people.

I have tried before to make the size of the current Covid-19 upgrade more understandable, for example seeing the death of Covid-19 in the US using the smallest mark on the digital page. I’ve also talked about the reasons behind the third wave. But I did not write about the psychological pain that many Americans now suffer.

The number of Americans who are anxious, scared, depressed or lonely has risen during the pandemic. According to one estimate, depression has increased by a factor of 3. Another study of loneliness among 18-35 year olds found that 43% of adults surveyed have experienced “high loneliness ”As a result of physical speed measures used to control the novel coronal virus spread.

There are many other examples of peer-reviewed studies that provide an estimate of the psychological distress caused by pandemic disease. Article published by the Journal of the American Medical Association even assigning an economic figure for the emotional damage of the pandemic – $ 1.58 trillion.

All of this makes me think as follows: How has pandemic changed us? As an infectious disease ecologist, I am thinking of different equations and proportional models – mathematical tools that can be used to understand and quantify the spread of disease in numbers, to help manage public policy and decision making. But understanding how pandemics have transformed us as individuals requires a step back from math. Our mental health is directly linked to our social connections with family and friends, and to regular exercise. Although the long-term mental health effects of Covid-19 are not well understood, our previous experience with disasters shows that they will be significant.

The psychological effects of Covid-19 pandemic have been compared to Hurricane Katrina and the 9/11 human catastrophe. And psychological distress, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has surfaced in first responders and medical professionals who care for and comfort patients with disease their families. What is particularly frightening, however, is the severity of the mental health crisis. According to a study released by Gallop, the country’s mental health is at its lowest level at any time in the previous 20 years. Another study released by Mental Health America (MHA) said the number of people who thought of suicide or self-harm is higher than ever recorded since the screening program began in 2014.

A December 16 report released by the American Psychological Association and 13 other organizations states that “the mental health crisis brought on by COVID epidemic is unparalleled… mental health must be a priority to everyone, especially now in the context of COVID-19 and everything that went on this year. “The consortium of 14 organizations has announced a roadmap for the transformation of mental health care to address future Covid-19 and mental health crises and will engage with the new federal administration, regulators, and top elected officials in 50 states to introduce it.We still have a long way to go.However, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are now available and the distribution is going up.America was stable in the first wave of Covid-19 last winter.Through grit, determination, and compassion I believe we can stay strong.These are reasons for hope.
