Corona: The Chancellor of Austria and the Prime Minister of Denmark will visit Israel for research on the subject

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced today (Saturday) that he will visit Israel on Thursday together with the Prime Minister of Denmark, Mada Fredriksen. The purpose of the visit of the two European leaders is “research and production of vaccines and medicines”, and in a tweet on his Twitter account he wrote that the first priority is “to accelerate the production and procurement of vaccines”.

Kurtz’s message is part of a thread he wrote, in which he referred to his plans for Austria’s return to post-corona routine: “With the vaccine we will return to normal in the summer.

He added that Austria must continue to work to prepare for post-vaccination life and said that “the goal must be to adapt existing vaccines and treatments or produce new ones as quickly as possible”.

Pfizer CEO Albert Burla said in an interview with NBC yesterday that Israel is the “laboratory of the world” when it comes to the corona vaccine of the company he heads: “I think with the data from the field, especially from Israel, and as they are rapidly advancing towards The whole population, I think we can get indications within a month or two. “

Meanwhile, last week it was reported that Pfizer CEO Albert Burla is also expected to arrive in the country in the coming weeks, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he had spoken with him, claiming that “we have agreed to have Pfizer vaccine sequences without any shortage, Interruption, without any break. “
