Controversial precedent: the mayor who does not allow teachers who have not been vaccinated to teach

The mayor of Yavne, Zvi Gov-Ari, announced today (Monday) to the education staff in the city that any of them who do not get vaccinated against the corona virus will not be able to teach in their workplace.

Saar: “The way the discussions about the education system are conducted – gig” // Photo: Gil Kramer

“Exposure to the infection and contagion of others is immeasurably reduced by the vaccine. Unvaccinated teaching staff endanger both themselves and their students. A person’s right to self is not a matter for discussion, but his duty not to harm others is absolute,” Gov-Ari wrote in a letter to my daughter The school, the teaching staff, the kindergarten teachers and the assistants in the city.

“Due to the need to protect the city’s children, I have decided that the city’s educational institutions will be out of bounds for vaccine – avoiding vaccinations. A kindergarten will not be allowed to operate where the kindergarten teacher and assistant are not vaccinated, or have a negative corona test in the last 24 hours, every day. “Teachers who are not vaccinated will not be allowed to teach a frontal lesson in the classroom. The kindergarten teachers and assistants must understand that their refusal to be vaccinated means that the children of their kindergarten teachers will not be allowed to return to school,” he wrote.

Mayor of Yavne, Zvi Gov-Ari // Archive photo: Yossi Zeliger

Gov-Ari’s request, which was also sent to all municipal employees, comes against the background of the increase in coronary heart disease in Yavne and its transformation into a red city, according to the traffic light plan of the Ministry of Health. “The vaccine is a guarantee to prevent infection and infection of others. An unvaccinated worker is required to submit a negative corona test every 24 hours,” he wrote in an appeal to city employees. “Without the permit, no entry into work will be allowed, and the employee’s stay out of work will be at the expense of sick leave or annual leave or pay.”

Following Gov-Ari’s announcement, the Teachers’ Union is holding legal consultations regarding the legality of the decision.

As you may recall, the mayor of Lod, Yair Revivo, sparked a heated debate on the issue last week, claiming that unvaccinated residents will not receive services from the municipality in a frontal manner, but only online, as is the case in the days of the Corona.
