Alright okay, quiet down class. We have a new student in the school of dissimilar materials used to control games. Move over, goose cloth. Pipe down, with that. This Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War player uses a recorder. Yes, what you never learned to play Hot Cross Buns can be used to (sometimes) kill a score in a Cold War multiplayer.
This silly fix comes from the “DeanoBeano” live stream over on Twitch, which has managed a recorder as an input tool. Forgive the reputation in this Tweet but this is my favorite of the clips so far. The audio of the game is pretty low, so most of what you hear is some school level recorder playing with a sudden, influential “hoot” while DeanoBeano manages to pick an enemy player.
It’s slapstick gold, in my opinion.
It’s not a fluke flute, either. Deano gets a number of kills with the trusted recorder, including this headshot and this killer through bad vision, becoming more efficient and accurate with the worst instrument in the world.
At the beginning of the live stream, Deano explains that it was easy to set up the registry administrator but “using it is something completely different”, which is definitely an understatement. From what I can tell, Deano has a few commands attached to the pulse, one for running forward automatically, two for looking in all directions, one for lifting space, and one for firing.
It starts off goofy enough, each note turning the camera a few degrees. The deaths come quickly, first, although Deano eventually changes, discovering how they can move more quickly and set up scenes where players are likely to head built. Heck, using a recorder may not be the worst idea after all.
Deano has done some similar shenanigans before the drum set, and also changed to a set of bongos later in this live stream recorder.
If you are not yet ready to play a legendary problem recorder, the RPS guide gang has you covered with information about the best guns and loads in the Cold War. Oh, and season one for Cold War and Warzone started today, introducing that new map at Rebirth Island for the end of COD battles.
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