COD YouTuber explains why Warzone is a hoax in its current state

Call of Duty Warzone is the developer Infinity Ward that takes on a free-to-play first-person battle. Released in March 2020, Warzone released a hugely popular fanfare, surpassing Twitch audience accounts for a long time.

But since the game’s 1-year run, popularity has waned, and YouTuber “TheXclusiveAce” has expressed his thoughts on the game and why he hasn’t played it himself.

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TheXclusiveAce on why Warzone is a lie right now

Starting with the video, TheXclusiveAce announces that the issues it feels are relevant to the game can be easily fixed by the developers.

# 1 – More ping after the release of CoD: Cold War Black Ops

Since the latest entry was introduced to the Call of Duty franchise – Black Ops Cold War, the connection to Warzone servers seems to have dwindled, with players pinging to a level higher than they had before. This is further confirmed by the comments left by users.

“The ping f *** ing issue is crazy. I will always be put in 200ms lobbys” – Talisman21

# 2 – Gun balance and TTK reduction

The DMR“/>

The DMR has been gaining the upper hand in lobbying in Warzone, and players have been screaming for a nerve for a long time.

Apparently, while attempts have been made to damage the guns’ heads in the latest piece, the recall is easier to control. The time to kill is then so short that gun fights seem to end too quickly with players melted in seconds.

# 3 – Hackers and Take Advantage of Users

The Stim (Image via u/EmergeGames on Reddit)“/>
The Stim (Image via u / EmergeGames on Reddit)

Cheats are no surprise in first-person shooters, and Warzone is pretty special. Lately, there was endless movement and invisible wisdom in the game for far too long before it went out.

With the resources available with Activision, the response to capturing tricks or banning hackers could be quicker before certain players come in and stop playing the game.

# 4 – Attach a Cold War Gun

The balance of weapons and ties seems to have been cut wrong by the introduction of Cold War attachments in the Warzone. Most links do nothing or the opposite effect is described.

Plus, blueprints seem to have better stats than the basic guns in the game, which shouldn’t be true.

TheXclusiveAce continues to explain the other reasons why Warzone is in the state and how they can be fixed. The fact that these issues have been resolved, and the community can be heard moving forward, makes the game even better with each passing update.

Read also: The best long download DMR 14 in Call of Duty: Warzone

Published January 15, 2021, 19:36 IST
