Special cargo shipments, including flowers and ornamental branches, will be flown by Christmas Eve 2021 ► A 20% decrease in last year’s exports exacerbated by the corona plague, however an improvement in profitability and an increase in flower prices in the main European market. Only at the end of 2021, will we be able to know how deep the damage to the flower industry is due to the corona crisis in Israel and around the world.
Despite the fact that in December 2020, about 10 million flowers and ‘ornamental branches’ will depart from the State of Israel on ‘cargo flights’ to the flower exchanges in European countries, compared to 14 million flowers and ornamental branches last year – preparations for Christmas events 2020 ( Christmas, Friday, December 25) in the Christian world is already in full swing.
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The flower growers from Israel, As is well known, enjoy mHigh income for Picking flowers andBranches of decoration, This is because of their high quality andShelf life GodLong their.
This month were sent fromIsrael On cargo flights (“Cargo“) Specials, Al.Flower exchanges‘Throughout Europe And countries Scandinavia, Amount of 10 million flowers andBranches of decoration, Compared to-14 million flowers andBranches of decoration Last year.
This is, as stated, a decrease of 20% BExport, Which is mainly due to the heel crisis OutbreakCorona Plague Covid-19‘.
“BEurope Even in time blockade And especially towards theChristmas, Are buying Bouquet ToHome, At least once a week and that among the products marketed from the country towards Christmas, Flower H.wax‘ waxflower The white-colored, native to Australia, is the leading, catchy flower 30% Of all exports from Israel to Europe.
Tells a domain manager Flowers in Middle Eastern and Northern Arava research and development Reply’ A kind of guitar; “This flower, its flowers are tiny, white and pink and it seems like they are made ofwax Hence their name. It is convenient forGrowth And requires less Working hands For the purpose harvest And is highly regarded as sought after inEurope“.
Reply’ Lemon, Knows more to tell, that; “Unfortunately, this year has shrunk Export of flowers MThe Middle Arava to Europe, This is due to the return “Horn enclave” ToKingdom of Jordan, Where they grew up Greenhouses Many of flowers ToExport And especially ‘Wax flowers” Says Lemon And adds; “In the two waves of the HQVerona, Stopped hExport, This A severe economic blow ToThe flower growers, Since the main thing Picking the flowers Concentrates in March and April.
Subsequently, theMarkets Reboot and return to activity. We hope that bChristmas, There will be good weather and people will go shopping flowers.
█ Researchers of agricultural mop in Israel, have succeeded in developing ornamental branches with very long shelf life
Further adds Lemon, That after Christmas, And towards Civil New Year, January 2021, Planned Export Another of flowers MThe Middle Arava; floral Dubium (Who do not need water) Lisiantus In a variety of colors andSunflowers Which are highly sought after in Europe.
BChristmas, Exists inThe Christian world, Tendency toTraditionalism Leading to a higher demand for classic flowers in holiday shades; red, green andwhite, The sweepers Double price In preparation for the holiday and on the day of the holiday itself,
Toexample; price Red anemone, Stalk the length of 40 inches, Stands atEuropean markets On average of 15 cents Tostalk, When bChristmas, Its cost climbs to 30-35 cents Tostalk Committee 50 cents Stalk on the eve of the holiday.
Scholars eThe agricultural mopי בIsrael, Managed to develop Branches of decoration Very long shelf life, well traded inFlower exchanges And in markets compared to competitors.
Some of the decoration industries mIsrael, Come to markets bEurope Already, beginning December, Well preserved inHuge refrigerators In marketing companies and marketers Fresh andFresh ToChristmas himself.
You Holiday flowers themselves Export Starting fromTwo weeks before the holiday And most of them will be flown bCargo flights Special, to 48 Hours before the holiday until Christmas Eve (24.12) At noon, then lock Flower markets towards Christmas Eve celebrations.
Expert and consultant in the field The flower branch, Mr Chest liking; “Demand and supply bThe flower market, Normal compared to previous years, but in the world there is a problem with Flight regularity and-Transport volumes Which have shrunk following theCorona And mainly affect theThe competitive market of Israel, Mainly flowers Exported toEurope MEast Africa, Sold athigh cost More, whatflowers MIsrael.
In contrast, in the market bIsrael No problem is expected transport, On the contrary, eCorona, Created regularity andTransport volumes Large due to multiplicity Flights From the country.

█ Flower Growers Market, Decreased due to lack of BSecond generation‘In general Agriculture And problem Manpower Therefore, the intensity of the e also decreasedGrowth And the scope of theexport continue Shrink.
Expect difficulties bThe flower branch Is that there is much less flowers ToExport And also in the ability to distribute them inEuropean market In the presence Limitations GodCorona And the way of theflowers To the end customers Lotte in the fog, due to the many stores and closed shopping centers…
Mr Chest liking, Adds and determines; “Goddown BScope of the flower branch In Israel, has been going on for several years andCorona crisis, Only exacerbated the difficult situation, sleep 2020, Is characterized bylack BActive towers And working hands toAgriculture And especially toThe flower branch, Devaluation to the extent of eAreas for growing And in addition price increase BEurope mature You have reduced GodQuantities Who came toMarkets Mostly fromEast Africa“.
on behalf of ‘Relations Office – Yael Shavit‘Media, image and strategic consulting, spokesperson and public relations, back message’ Yael Shavit, To the portal ‘This is Israel | It’s nice here | The oldest local news site in the whole country ‘ Because; Israel, Produces in almost a year A billion picking flowers andBranches of decoration, When Half of them Intended forExport And a half toLocal market.
The branch is rolling cycle of 100 million euros Per year. 65% of flower exports Transferred toFlower exchanges BEurope, Mainly; Belgium, The Netherlands andGermany And the rest is traded independently by theTowers Themselves, especially toEngland And countries Scandinavia, France, Germany And today too Japan andChina.
The decline inExport of flowers This year, is following Corona crisis And also, due to the difficulties inThe flower branch, Which constitute a continuation ofExport market situation You’ve been sleeping 2019, Where he was Expansion To-NIS, Which decreased Revenue ToTowers ToExport, Although at the same time existed Immigration BFlower prices ToExport In- 10%, But this price, did not cover the Growth costs AndMarketing.
Beyond that, Flower Growers Market, Decreased due to lack of BSecond generation‘In general Agriculture And problem Manpower Therefore, the intensity of the e also decreasedGrowth And the scope of theexport continue Shrink.
Total in the country as 250 flower growers And the industry is considered tostable. Only at the end of the year 2021, We can know how deep the injury is inThe flower branch Due Corona crisis In Israel and around the world.