Chairman of the Jewish Home: “Bennett used us and threw; I’m not a bibist “

In the meantime, she is firing in all directions, in an interview to be published tomorrow in the “Shishvat” supplement of “Israel Today.”

“They talked about the possibility of going with Bennett, because he is going in the direction of a prime minister, as opposed to the Jewish House, which is a sectoral party. So I said there are those who want to go to a ruling party to be prime minister – it’s one note, “Six or seven seats. But it came out of nowhere. They understood what I meant. So I was wrong in the example. That’s why say I do not understand politics?”, She wonders.

Naftali Bennett is offended, politically of course. “I appreciate him, he is talented. But he used the Jewish home and threw.”

“Very afraid of Ben Gvir, but does not rule out”

On the possibility of attaching Itamar Ben Gvir to her and Smutrich, she honestly says that she “is very afraid of Ben Gvir. I hope I’m just afraid. All this attitude of his, it’s not me. All this brawling. This is not my style, this is not my language. “I come from another language. But I do not rule out. A lot of frogs have to be swallowed along the way.”

It declares its support for French law, but towards the fact that its victory may help Netanyahu form a 61-member government, Moshe is quite indifferent. “I do this because the Jewish home is important to me. The fact that it suits Netanyahu’s wishes is fine. I am not a biblicalist, I am not a Likudist, and I do not come on behalf of the Likud.”

Stone throwing in East Jerusalem // Photo: AFP

She said, “If Gideon Saar goes with Lapid, we will not go with him. And if Bennett goes with Lapid, we will not go with Bennett.” For her, “Yair Lapid is out of the question. The Arab bloc is out of the question.”

Moshe, as is well known, also serves as the deputy mayor of Jerusalem. “It is impossible to take 300,000 Arabs from the east of the city and delete them from the map,” she says. “They are there, the question of whether they are becoming a fifth recruit, terrorists, stone-throwers, stabbers and criminals, or whether we are making them citizens to whom we are committed and they are committed to Jerusalem.”

Full interview: Tomorrow in “Israel this week”
