Caspi: “I did not get out of bed for 3 weeks. My legs were shaking”

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After a long period in which he was absent from the pitches due to a stomach virus, Omri Caspi Slowly returns to the parquet. Of course it will happen gradually, but Maccabi Tel Aviv fans have already received a taste of the retired NBA player – and today (Monday), just before the double meeting against CSKA Moscow and Valencia, the forward spoke openly about the difficult period away and on the way back.

“I went through a crazy period of a month and a half,” Caspi began, revealing: “For more than three weeks I was unable to get out of bed or stand on my feet. My legs were shaking, the nausea was terrible. The peak came on Wednesday two and a half to three weeks ago. “

During the long period outside, there has been quite a bit of speculation that Caspi and Maccabi Tel Aviv are hiding the real problem that the veteran player is suffering from. Caspi was asked about this and said: “My biggest urge is to be with the team and play. It was very difficult for me to sit outside in important games, I wanted to be with the guys. It is not pleasant when there are such rumors, no doubt. But it is probably part of being a Maccabi player Tel Aviv, a key player. “

“The injury I suffered is the most severe in the sport, many players did not return from it, unlike the Achilles injury that players did return from,” Caspi added. “There is a process of limiting minutes, it is a process built with Maccabi doctors not to overload me. I talked to NBA players to understand how it is possible to be effective in a few minutes, it’s not easy and I’m trying to crack the method. “

Maccabi Tel Aviv does not have a high chance of getting a ticket to the next stage in the Euroleague, but Caspi is not giving up. “Obviously we believe, we look at the statistics and understand that it is going to be very difficult, but we are Maccabi Tel Aviv, we want to respect this club. Miracles have happened to this club in the past, we want to win as many games as possible and see how it ends,” the forward concluded The veteran.
