Carbs or Protein – These are what you should have as part of post-workout nutrition

Weight Loss: Carbs or Protein- These are what you should have as part of post workout nutrition

Weight loss: Carbs can help with recovery

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  • Post-workout meals: Hummus with beetroot salad makes a great choice
  • Lose weight: Eat foods rich in carbs and protein after work out
  • Post-workout nutrition can help your body rebuild its glycogen stores

Nutrition before and after exercise is important to reap the full benefits of your exercise plan. What you eat before you exercise can determine your energy levels while exercising and your exercise performance. After work out, the body tries to rebuild their glycogen stores and repair and rediscover muscle protein. Decorating the “funda” behind post-workout nutrition is animal Nmami Agarwal on Instagram. “When you exercise, the body uses glycogen for energy purposes. This makes the body a little poorer in glyvogen,” says Agarwal.

Post-Work Meals- Here’s what you need to know

After exercise, when the body becomes a little deficient in glycogen, the protein in the muscles also tends to break down. Therefore, it is important to eat foods that are rich in protein and carbs as part of your pre-workout diet, adds Agarwal in her reel.

The Delhi-based nutritionist is going to share a few examples of food choices that will meet your nutritional needs after work.

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Post-workout food you can have

“After work out, foods rich in protein and carbs should be consumed, to maintain that balance,” says Agarwal while sharing the following examples:

  • Hummus with sweet potatoes
  • Beetroot ugh edamame salad
  • Chickpea pine nut salad
  • Toast avocado ugh
  • Or main food that you would normally have at that time.

Eggs are an excellent source of protein
Image credit: iStock

Eating the right nutrition after exercise can help your body rebuild its glycogen stores at a faster pace. Foods rich in carbs and proteins can reduce muscle protein breakdown, increase muscle protein synthesis or muscle growth, increase recovery and restore glycogen stores.

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While a protein-rich diet is especially important for repairing and building muscle, a carbs high in carbs are the ones that will help you overcome it. Make sure you get your after-work meal within 45 minutes of exercise.

Sweet potatoes, fruit, oatmeal, leafy green vegetables, chicken, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, fatty fish or protein bars … all of these foods can be eaten as an after-work meal.

So, whether you are trying to lose weight, or you are trying to build muscle, become healthier and stronger, make sure you have a healthy diet before and after work.

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(Nmami Agarwal is a nutritionist at Nmami Life)

Disclaimer: This content includes advice providing general information only. It does not replace qualified medical opinion at all. Always speak to a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
