Capcom to share “up-to-date information” about this month’s Monster Hunter promotion

Ahead of Monster Hunter PromotionLaunching Switch in March, game producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and director Yasunori Ichinose have sent out a special new year message.

The team plan to share some “updates” earlier this month and ask fans to keep an eye out for that. Monster Hunter Tales 2: Ruined Wings it is also expected to be released in Summer 2021.

Prior to the launch of the game, Capcom will also be releasing a “limited time” demo sometime this month. Here’s what to expect:

“We need you to protect Kamura Village! Wade through the swampy Flood Forest and face new monsters, such as the sleep-causing Somnacanth and the omnivorous actor Bishaten! #MHRise Demo coming January 2021.”

Will you be adding Monster Hunter Rise to your Switch library when it arrives March 26th? Leave a comment below.
