Can the death of skinny jeans save sales?

By Sarah Halzack

If you’re terribly chewing yourself into your skinny jeans after a year in a soothing swaddle of sweatpants, I have good news: You don’t have to be there, because ski jeans are over.

Several big denim names have noticed a migration away from this silhouette that defines an era. Abercrombie & Fitch Co. chief executive said Fran Horowitz told investors Tuesday that “the slim jean is not becoming as important. At American Eagle Outfitters Inc., creative chief executive Jennifer Foyle spoke the next day on a “shift into looser denim” employment call for women.

Unsurprisingly, these Gen Z-focused chains would be on the front lines of change, as their target demographic has been on TikTok mocking millennials for adhering firmly to the gospel of skin and hair. by side. But Levi Strauss & Co., which is a court of a wider range of customers, also notes the difference. Chief Chip Bergh told investors in late January, “There is definitely a move towards more casual, relaxed clothing,” including jeans, adding that the types were spacious, just -apply at the brand “performing very well” a few months ago.

When I say tired jeans are over, I don’t mean that no – one is buying them. They still make up 35% of women’s denim sales in the U.S., according to NPD Group, a larger segment than any other style. Instead, I mean they have lost their place as the main attraction of women. They are no longer the norm. In fact, clothing analyst NPD Maria Rugolo says that wider styles are gaining market share, including one called the “mom jean” – the last sign that even the clothes can most disgusting to be born so cool.

Clothing retailers, whether they are luxe or at a low price, should enjoy the new look as it is likely to drive demand in a business that needs to severe after a year of being pumped by the pandemic.

Buyers of loose-fitting skinny pants now tend to have high heels and wide openings, but not nearly swishy or flowy. Eagle America’s Chief Executive Officer Michael Rempell told investors “a shift in bottled movement is very good for EU business.” That’s right, and not just because the chain gets a large share of their sales from denim: A big change in the silhouette of pants can be at the heart of a much broader turn in fashion which will encourage people to upgrade their entire wards. The proportion of tops, the shape of the toe of boots, the length of the coats – all these things are slid in new directions with the shape of updated pants. That can leave a customer feeling like everything in her closet is passe – and that, in turn, is an opportunity for sellers.

New denim trends can’t withstand the big challenges facing clothing stores in 2021. Many women see little reason to jump for the latest look while there are no parties or their holidays to make them fun. But even without a return to normal social calendars, casual jeans have convenience and appeal. They make sense for a perma-casual lifestyle. And they shouldn’t feel like a big fashion threat because they have the same look and feel as the women joggers and loungewear that women have been living in for the past year.

Some readers will see my call about how skinny and scoff jeans have gone that this trend hasn’t felt new in several years now. Several types of non-slip denim have recently caught on, including cropped flares, step hems and so-called tight jeans, which have no stretch. These items have certainly been easily seen in the feeds of Instagram influencers and on the digital shelves of mobile shopping sites. What I believe is starting to happen now, however, is broader. It is a new concept that even women who are not pregnant with style will notice and accept. It was this new look that was what the bells were for the 70s, what the acidity was for the ’80s, what the bootcut was until the’ 90s – such a move ubiquitous you can almost help but take part.

I wrote in 2016 that the “twilight” of the tiring age was coming, if it is not already underway. It’s been very slow, though, and I’m not entirely sure why. This may be due to the fact that athletic clothing has become so hot that they have been able to deliver a dose of clothing without touching the skin. It can’t have helped that so many mediocre clothing stores – the places that set fashion destinations for the masses – have been in turmoil and unsettling. firing on all sartorial cylinders.

There will be occasional chats in sales about at least, in a scattered world, the speed of social media, whether clothing trends happen even more. Certainly, the shelf life of the lengths is shortened, and areas such as normcore and cottage care have emerged and reached only limited awareness. But the long-invisible running of the tired jean serves as evidence that some ideas in fashion can be very saturated in the world. This is true in other creative industries, too, where we still see some industry-eating forces, such as superhero movies and Drake, for spraying viewing and listening habits.

I’m, for one, excited about taking off my ski jeans. Different outfits feel like a real start – something I get a warm welcome after a very dark year.
