Bruker light-leaf microscope at a complete primary cancer center

Bruker Corporation, a leading provider of single-plane illumination microscope (SPIM) technology for research on live cells and biological samples that were evacuated, today announced the launch of two Luxendo MuVi ™ and LCS SPIM ™ light-leaf microscopes are inserted by the Sloan Cancer Memory Center Kettering Cancer (MSK). Funding for the two light-leaf fluorescence microscopes was supported by Cycle for Survival ( The new SPIM microscopes will help researchers see the cell and cell markers of cancer and translate those findings into better cancer treatments.

Bruker light-leaf microscope at a complete primary cancer center

MuVi SPIM Multiview light sheet microscope for live samples. Image credit: Bruker Nano surface

“By understanding how cells move to build organs, researchers can find out why some cells are cancerous and lead to organ destruction. Such instruments are useful for imaging across blades of varying lengths – from subcellular to single-cell to print-level processes – allowing researchers to study cell dynamics and cell movement, processes that allow cells to metastasize. ”

Dr. Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis, MSK Chair of the Developmental Biology Program

A light-leaf fluorescence microscope has emerged as an extremely powerful method for high-resolution, locked and dynamic biological imaging. We couldn’t be happier that our technology will support researchers and major MSK programs in such important work. ”

Dr. Lars Hufnagel, Vice President and General Manager, Luxendo Bruker Light Microscope Industry

About the MuVi and LCS SPIM Systems

Bruker’s SPIM systems avoid a sample of phototoxicity by illuminating a series of small chips of the organism, allowing scientists to observe living organisms for long periods of time without photodamage. In particular, MuVi SPIM allows fast 3D imaging of living cells and living objects, such as spheroids and whole samples, without the need for sample rotation. Despite the fact that sample circulation is not necessarily required for non-isotropic construction, the MuVi SPIM system provides this level of freedom until an isotropic resolution is achieved.

The modular SPCS LCS for large, locked samples was designed to be compatible with a wide variety of cleaning solutions and sample sizes. The new sample scaling approach and innovative optical design enable unprecedented build times and reduce sample separations while easily blending into the cleaning and sample preparation pipes. which is. To handle the large amount of data extracted by the lightweight page method, Lux DATA data processing and storage provides fast transfer and high-capacity storage and reduces multi-core and multi-core processing. GPU.
