Britain to help other countries monitor coronavirus changes – POLITICO

The UK shares its stringency capability with other countries, to increase the detection of coronavirus changes at a global level.

According to forecast sections, seen by Reuters, of Tuesday’s speech for the Chatham House think tank, British Health Secretary Matt Hancock will announce that any country with concerns about a new variant will be able to sample sent to British laboratories, so that they can be ordered and identified.

Hancock is expected to give us an insight into the decision to export British exports.

“This pandemic has shown that the foundations of so many exciting experiences worth making a living depend not only on our health, or the health of our neighbors, but the health of people across the world. the world, ”the speech reads – advancing the movement as a package of the UK’s G7 leadership in 2021.

“Our New Mutation Assessment Platform will help us understand this virus and how it spreads, and will also provide a global ability to understand coronavirus, so we are all better prepared for whatever what lies ahead. ”

The move follows reports of emerging changes in various parts of the globe, with particular interest around those found in the UK, South Africa, Brazil and recently in Germany – sparking new concerns about possible vaccine immunity or even a higher mortality rate.

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