Boozing has been up 50% since March with one in 20 drinking more than five bottles of wine a week

Alcohol is the most serious form of alcohol abuse and includes an inability to regulate drinking habits.

It is divided into three categories: mild, moderate and hard. Each region has several symptoms and can cause harmful side effects.

If left untreated, any form of alcohol abuse can get out of hand.

Individuals who struggle with alcohol often feel like they cannot function normally without alcohol.

This can lead to a wide range of issues and affect professional goals, personal issues, relationships and overall health.

At times the warning signs of alcohol misuse are very obvious. At other times, they may take longer to surface.

When alcohol addiction is detected at an early stage, the chance of successful recovery is greatly increased.

Common signs of alcohol include:

  • Unable to control alcohol
  • Attracts alcohol when you are not drinking
  • Putting alcohol above personal responsibilities
  • Feeling the need to drink more
  • Spending a lot of money on alcohol
  • Behaving differently after drinking

The short-term effects of alcohol misuse can be just as dangerous as the long-term effects.

For example, drinking can affect your response time, causing slow reflexes and coordination.

That is why drinking and driving are very dangerous. Getting behind the wheel of a car can change your perception of speed and pace, putting yourself and others at risk.

There may be a number of short-term effects of alcohol misuse:

  • Slow response time
  • Poor reflexes
  • Decreased brain activity
  • Low ban
  • Blurry vision
  • Respiratory difficulty
  • Restlessness

In addition, too much alcohol can affect your health in the long run. Some effects can be dormant for years before they appear.

Because of this, professional medical care is required for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Long-term health conditions caused by alcohol:

  • Brain problems
  • Liver disease
  • Diabetes problems
  • Heart problems
  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Visual impairment
  • Bone loss

Treatment for alcohol

Different treatments are available depending on the frequency and severity of alcohol misuse.

Overcoming alcohol addiction is a process that continues long after rehabilitation.

He will be committed to applying and applying the techniques you learn in rehabilitation, counseling, support groups and other types of treatment.

While each person will have their own recovery plan tailored to their specific needs, treatment usually follows a structure.

Alcohol treatment is divided into three sections, which include:


The first step in the treatment of alcohol addiction is detoxification. This stage should be completed with the help of medical professionals due to the potential for withdrawal of uncomfortable symptoms of discomfort. Many times, individuals are given medication to help reduce the distressing side effects of withdrawal.


There are two types of rehabilitation that help with alcohol treatment: patient rehabilitation and outpatient rehabilitation. Patient transplants are intensive treatment programs that require you to check into a facility for a specific period of time, typically 30, 60 or 90 days. Outpatient rehabilitation allows individuals to participate in a rehabilitation program while continuing with their daily lives. Talk to your doctor about treatment options to find out what type of rehabilitation will suit your needs.


The recovery process will not end once a reset is completed. Long-term sobriety requires ongoing treatment and may include support groups, counseling and other access resources. These will ensure that you remain sober and follow a happy, healthy path for months and years to come.

Source: Alcohol Replacement Guide
