The young and successful singer, These are my blade, Apparently does not really like the conduct of Moore Lerman At the “Big Brother” house and decided she would not keep her harsh opinions of herself to herself. In a post that went up on the “simple” Instagram page with a joke about the tension between Lerman and Gal Gvaram, Lahav responded and wrote: “Consider going in and kicking her, God.”
Lerman, who could not see the reactions or comment on them, wrote a long post ahead of time about harsh reactions on the net, which she guessed she would receive before entering the closed house. But whoever runs her page, while she is in the closed house, did not remain obligated and shared Lahav’s response and wrote: “Dear parents! This is Ella-li. ‘Child star’ ‘,’ singer ‘,’ reality show ‘and that’s how it is expressed.”
Lerman’s Instagram page read: “Is this how a role model for many boys and girls behaves? Is this how she behaves to her classmates? When we read about children being boycotted at school, this is what their leader sounds like.” Ella Lahav apparently did not expect her comment to be spread on the net and make a noise and hurried to delete it from the original post in which it was written.
From Ofer Menachem, Ella Lee Lahav’s public relations man, it was reported: “No Comment”.