Biden heads for Pennsylvania in bid to sell U.S. Covid relief plan to nationwide – live updates | US News

In the final hours ahead of the vote Eòs bidenCovid relief Bill, Senator Joe manchin West Virginia had thrown a puppy to the other Democrats. He had effectively jeopardized the entire bill by possibly joining a Republican on unemployment benefits.

Manchin looked inevitable. White House legislative affairs team could not get him to repent. Senator Chuck Schumer New York, the main Democrat in the chamber, also met him, but could not bring him to budge, according to two Democrats with experience of those conversations. Approaching Manchin and Biden got on the phone directly, twice. The unemployment benefits in the bill were postponed a few weeks and the bill regained momentum.

The program highlights important dynamics between Schumer and Biden. For decades, the two Democrats have struggled to get the jobs they now have – Schumer as the Senate’s majority leader under a Democratic president, and Biden as president by his party controls every chamber of Congress.

But now the two Democrats have to deal with a Democratic majority that is sometimes chaotic and thin in Congress amid a continuing pandemic and teetering economy. For Biden, the successful achievement of its policy objectives depends on close coordination with Schumer. For Schumer, working with Biden and guiding through his agenda could determine how long he’s been a leader on the majority or even if he needs to worry. take on a major challenge from the left.

While Biden and Schumer have run in very powerful Democratic circles and become the second leader of party leaders who have built strong ties, the history together is very thin for two Democrats who have been in politics. national for decades. They have a good relationship, but they are not besties.

“Look, are they bosom buddies?” “No,” said a former Obama administration official. “But is there so much mutual respect and esteem? There is. They are very different people but I think they are fans of each other. This is not a situation where their children hang out or go to family barbecues. “

Biden, 78, and Schumer, 71, are major Democratic party sites. They are both well known for their love of sales and talk politics. Both come from a very humble beginning. They have both spent decades in the Senate. And both are at times more closely linked to the more central Democratic wing and at other times the more liberal wing.

Read more of Daniel Strauss’ s report here: Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer – a key relationship to successful leadership
