Beyoncé Maya Rudolph completely melts down on YouTube Hot Ones

If your overall deal is going to be cool, relaxed, collected, and sexy, don’t go for it Hot Ones. Hosted by Sean Evans, it is a YouTube interview show designed to break down celebrity barriers by feeding them spicy chicken wings. In fact, while we would all love to see the real Beyoncé sitting down behind a large glass of room temperature milk for a chat, she never does. Why? Well, let Beyoncé Maya Rudolph show in Saturday Night Livedraft of Hot Ones, featuring Mikey Day as an amazing Evans.

“Beyoncé’s head is wet. This shield spoils me, ”says the gasps singer, drenched in sweat, before learning the two most important rules of consuming hot sauce: water makes it worse and it will never rubbing your eyes. “I know it is now, bald bitch,” shouts Beyoncé.

Even under extreme pressure, however, the singer does not take off her wig, puts six ice cubes on her head, and then puts her wig back on. Literally, a Bey publicist won’t let her. The singer warns, “It gives me all the focus to keep me from blowing out my pants on your janky-ass show. Eventually, Beyoncé’s team destroys all the evidence she cited even appearing on Hot Ones not at all, but we know the truth, and Solange is in trouble now.
