Best home remedies to treat dark circles and puffiness under your eyes

Dark circles make you look tired and unhealthy and can be caused by fatigue or lack of sleep. Try these effective home remedies to get rid of dark circles and to reduce puffiness.

With the busy and fast paced life and always being in front of a screen, be it the phone, laptop or fool box, dark circles are about to happen. The tiredness and the amount, not to mention the lack of sleep, it all appears under our eyes. The skin under the eye is one of the most delicate and thin areas and any changes in the skin are easily visible. Dark circles can make you look old, tired and sick at times. These need to be repaired carefully as the skin under your eyes is very susceptible.

While fatigue and exhaustion are said to be the most common cause behind dark circles and under-eye bags, there are many more things that can cause dark circles. One of them being old. With age, the skin begins to lose collagen and become thinner. Because the skin under your eyes is already thin, veins will be visible through the skin under your eyes. Another common cause is too much screen time. Being in front of the television or phone can cause a lot of eye strain that causes the blood vessels around your eyes to dilate, resulting in darkening of the skin under your eyes.

Lack of irrigation and excessive sunburn can also cause dark circles. By drinking less water the skin under your eyes will look darker and darker. But when you are in the sun your body can produce a greater amount of melanin, the pigment that gives color to your skin. Being under the sun for a long time can cause pigmentation in the subcutaneous skin.

With the skin under your eyes being very thin and delicate, it is always better to follow natural home remedies instead of medications or chemical products. So here are some simple home remedies to get rid of those dark circles and under eye bags.


Tomatoes are full of antioxidants that help reduce the color around the eye area. They are also rich in lycopene, which is extremely beneficial for cardiovascular, skin and vision health. Lycopene helps to soften and soften the skin and significantly reduces dark circles.

To use tomatoes, just mix a tsp of tomato juice with 1 tsp of lemon juice and then use a cotton ball to apply it under each eye area. Let it sit for 10-12 minutes and wash with cold water. You can also drink a mixture of tomato juice, lemon juice and mint daily.


Potatoes are a rich source of vitamin C that helps in collagen synthesis. Adding potatoes also helps reduce the puffiness around the under eye area. In addition to this, the starch and enzymes present in potatoes help nourish the skin and help reduce the appearance of dark circles and blisters.

For this remedy, grind some potatoes and remove the juice from them. Soak some cotton balls with the juice and apply them on the under eye area for 10-20 minutes. Rinse it with water.

Cold milk

Milk is a rich source of vitamin A and lactic acid that helps the skin look younger and reduces wrinkles and wrinkles. It helps in reducing the dark circles and puffiness in the area under your eyes. Using cold milk will soften the skin around your eyes and act as a natural cleanser.

To use cold milk, soak a cotton ball in the milk and apply it on the affected area for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with water. Do this twice a day for 1-2 weeks regularly to get the best results.

Cold tea bags

Another simple home remedy to get rid of the puffiness and dark circles is to use cold tea bags. You can use green tea or chamomile tea bags. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties that will soothe the area under your eyes. The caffeine in the tea bags will make your eyes look fresh by shrinking the skin tissues and blood vessels, thus reducing puffiness.

For this home remedy, soak tea bags in water and keep in the frids for 30 minutes. Once cooled, place the tea bags on your eyes and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water and do this 2-3 times a day for best results.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil soothes the skin and helps to significantly reduce dark circles and bags under the eyes. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce the darkness and puffiness. It also helps prevent wrinkles and fine lines under the eyes.

To use coconut oil, just take a few seconds of the oil in your palm and apply it under your eyes with your finger. Massage lightly and leave overnight and wash off the next morning.

Also Read: 5 BEST home remedies for immediate relief from wisdom tooth pain

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