Beloved Godfather: The family’s lawyers claim that “there are flaws in the investigation”

The storm surrounding the death of the boy Ahuvia Godfather, during a police chase for a vehicle in which he was driving, is expanding and tonight (Tuesday) the boys’ family’s lawyers convened a press conference in Jerusalem, announcing that they will submit a request to the court tomorrow to appoint an investigating judge. Under section 19 of the Death Investigation Act.

The request will be submitted by Adv. Ariel Atari on behalf of the Honno organization to the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court. In the application, he detailed “the omissions in the investigation, the fear of a biased investigation, and the reasons why the court is obligated to accept the application and order the appointment of a judge to investigate the killing of her beloved godfather,” he said.

Meanwhile, in the early hours of the morning, a group of women equipped with an amplification system stood in front of the door of the Minister of Internal Security, Amir Ohana, in Tel Aviv, chanting, “A committee of inquiry into the circumstances of killing the late Ahuvia Godak will be set up by police.” Minister Ohana’s house, however, promised that they would not rest until a commission of inquiry was set up on the matter.

A demonstration in Jerusalem in protest of the accident in which the late Ahuvia Godfather was killed. Photo: Police spokeswoman

Before the police arrived, one of the women shouted: “The rollover axis is networked with cameras. Why don’t the police let us see what was there? What is it hiding? Why don’t we deserve to see what was there? We demand a commission of inquiry and we demand an end to the disgusting and antisemitic abuse of the hill boys. You are responsible for it and you do not seem to be doing anything with it. “

At the same time, Adv. Menashe Yado from the “Honno” organization, which represents the boy’s godfather, sent a request to Deputy State Attorney Momi Lemberger in which he called for the removal of DIP chief Keren Ben Menachem, after he failed the investigation. An interrogation of the officers under arrest, ordered the release of the officers suspected of involvement in the incident. In his remarks, Advocate Yado refers to a serious letter issued by Deputy Chief of DIP Moshe Saada in which he sharply criticizes the conduct of DIP and the suspicion of deliberately disrupting an investigation and claims that the investigation led to a lack of public trust.

Protest in front of a DIP building in Jerusalem over the death of her beloved godfather (Photo: Police Spokeswoman)Protest in front of a DIP building in Jerusalem over the death of her beloved godfather (Photo: Police Spokeswoman)

In response to a request from the Honno organization, Deputy State Attorney Momi Lemberger replied that he rejected the allegations in the letter that Adv. Bar-Menachem thwarted the ongoing investigation using her powers. “Adv. Bar-Menachem’s decisions are professional and substantive decisions, which were made “After weighing all the data and considerations required for the matter, and I have full and unconditional trust in it, and in all DIP personnel, who do their work with professionalism and dedication,” wrote Adv. Lemberger, adding that the investigation is conducted under the close supervision of the Jerusalem District Attorney and DIP attorneys. Washes on every step of it.

Lemberger added that the decision to establish a joint investigation team for the police and DIP was made by him, “in light of the needs of the investigation and the desire to investigate the truth of this tragic and complex incident, and to allow a quality and professional investigation that examines all aspects of the incident.” “And with the understanding that it is necessary to see the picture as a whole, from the beginning of the event to the end.”
