Beloved Godfather: Netanyahu spoke with the boy’s parents

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Talked to the parents of the late Ahuvia Sandek, who died last week in a serious car accident in Binyamin, with the involvement of a police car. Almost every evening mass protests, during which there are many detainees.

Meanwhile, dozens of protesters are now near the String Bridge. They began disturbing order, trying to block the entrance road to the city. Police forces at the scene are working to maintain order and keep the arteries open, with ten protesters detained or arrested so far. An unusual incident took place in one of the demonstration centers in the capital, during which a 13-year-old boy was thrown into the road by a police officer, and was almost run over when a jeep passed by. Fortunately, the boy was not injured and is in good condition.

Security officials have warned of escalating violence in Judea and Samaria that could lead to escalation. They say that in recent days there have been increasing cases of violence in which groups of dozens of Jews arrive at points of friction, producing a provocation that develops into melee and violence. Sources add that it is not just about hill boys, and yesterday four different cases of violence were recorded. Police, the sources add, are having a hard time enforcing the order, and the danger is that these incidents could ignite the area.
