Beloved Godfather: For attacking the commander of the Golani Regiment by the demonstrators

The commander of the Golani Reconnaissance Squadron, Lt. Col. Ayoub Kiuf, was attacked last night near the settlement of Kedumim, by protesters in protest of the death of her beloved godfather. Golani Regiment, as well as with Baruch Ben Yigal – the father of the late IDF Space Amit Ben Yigal, who served under the command of Kiuf.

Clashes between police and protesters in protest of the death of her godfather’s godfather in Tel Aviv

How would you react if you were to grab fists from the same man who beat Lt. Gen. Job Kiuf?
Inbar: “I would give it back to him, but it already has to do with the nature or character of everyone. Lieutenant General Ayub Kiuf, who acted with restraint and in accordance with his role, should be greatly appreciated. The Golani Regiment, instead of killing terrorists, employs it in police work. “Take out of this also the tradition that the settlers do what they want, raise a hand against those who come to protect them.”

Are the guidelines not to respond that this is a civilian population?
Inbar: “There is no course that teaches a combat unit officer how to handle a settler. This person finds himself in a situation where the way he is educated, his values, is what dictates to him. I really appreciate that he acted with restraint. I would not mobilize such restraint in this situation.”

Would you hit him back?
Inbar: “I believe so. I do not think this is the right way, but I do think that the political echelons should make sure that such situations do not happen.”

Welcome, you know the fun, right?
Ben Yigal: “Certainly, an excellent acquaintance. And on the day the disaster happened on May 12, Job was there. And it is important that they know, who was involved in this incident, who you raised a hand on. You raised a hand on a first-rate officer, when our case happened, a colleague He fell, he did not leave this damned village, the village will work, morning and night, he did not leave the place. And he said to me, just before the funeral, ‘I will not leave here, until I catch the terrorist.’ “He’s wearing a uniform. It’s good that he did not respond to the raising of the hand they raised towards him, it shows you the nobility of this person’s soul.

The question is how do you deal with the phenomenon that escalates every time?
Ben Yigal: “It takes a lot of information. Since yesterday I have been receiving endless messages. Most of the settlers in the State of Israel, normal people, excellent and good people, including the Yishuv Kedumim. I know a lot of people there. What happened there is a small handful that reduces an entire public Nothing. Therefore, we need a lot of information here for those youth. To tell them: ‘The army is not against you, it is part of us.’ What is this thing? Brigadier General Inbar is right, the role of the army is to kill terrorists, the role of the army is to protect the people of Israel, not to mess with the people of Israel, not to hit each other – alas for us, where do you want to go? When I heard that yesterday, I was ashamed. How can it be that a person who needs to receive a hero of Israel receives a punch. How can we raise a hand against one who endangers his life for us? It is also dangerous for them, for all of us together. We are one people. Their leadership needs to say, ‘Gentlemen, stop this thing. It’s going to end badly, it’s going to end badly, and we need to stop this nonsense now. ”

Inbar: “They do not say. I have not heard the prime minister condemn, punish. It is intolerable that this population is doing what is on its mind. Neither Dean nor Dayan. And we are shouting now when they hit an IDF soldier, that it is horrible, but it is all the way. Whoever does not punish in the beginning, accepts this behavior in the end. ”
