Before time: The suspects in the attack on police in Bnei Brak have been released

Do the police comply with the agreements with the Vizhnitz storks? A day after the court extended by three days the detention of the four suspects in an attempt to lynch police officers last Thursday, the police decided to release the four from detention. This is despite the court’s decision to extend their detention until this morning (Wednesday). They will be under house arrest for five days and will be removed for 15 days from the street where the lynching attempt took place.

The hearing on the extension of the suspects’ detention, yesterday // Photo: Moshe Ben Simhon

The police representative, Sergeant Major Guy Calderon, commented on the incident in court: “A few days ago there were riots in the city of Bnei Brak, as part of which almost two policemen were lynched … These are serious offenses known to the Israel Police, including disorderly conduct, disobedience To instruct a police officer, disorderly conduct, assaulting police officers and failing police officers. “

During the hearing, Avraham Gelbert, one of the leaders of the ultra-Orthodox community in Bnei Brak and responsible for the connection with the Ramat Gan and Bnei Brak police, noted that the police had assured him that the suspects who would be released would be released no later than 24 hours after their arrest. He also posted a correspondence with intelligence coordinator Avi Mukhtar, in which the latter wrote to him: “It will be okay, do not get excited.” The police representative at the hearing denied the allegations and said: “Clearly with the competent authorities and unlike the honorable defense attorney, I will not take names, there was and was nothing created from what he stated.”

Three of the suspects, in yesterday's hearing // Photo: Gideon Markovich

Judge Anat Yahav referred to the “government promise” that was alleged to have been given to the Viznitz storks, and said: And that means otherwise, and the court has no choice but to decide according to the evidence before it without giving its opinion on the same claim. “

Judge Yahav finally extended the four’s detention and ruled that at this stage the cause of danger exists. She said, “I do not want to think what would have happened if all those involved, including the suspects, had succeeded in getting the occupants out of it … In my opinion, anyone who was brought before me today and was proven to be in the initial circle around the vehicle, touched the vehicle “Violent and savage, against law enforcement, his duty was one – to be arrested.”

The police vehicle after the lynching attempt // Photo: Police spokeswoman

Despite the difficult events, the Tel Aviv police, despite the decision of the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court, decided last night to release the four under five-day house arrest and remove them from the place where the incident took place. This is despite the fact that in the legal hearing, the defense attorneys for the suspects proposed their release as an alternative to house arrest far from Bnei Brak.

The four defense attorneys, attorneys Tal Gabay and Yehuda Fried, said: “We welcome the decision. Despite the harsh allegations made by the police in court, during the hearing on the request for an extension of their detention, our client’s part in the incident was minor, and we are glad the police adopted our position.”
