Bassem Youssef working on the animated series ‘The Magical Reality Of Nadia’

Le: PTI | Los Angeles |

December 22, 2020 11:43:32 am

The book is described as “a humorous and heartwarming story of prejudice, friendship, empathy and confidence. “(Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Egyptian comic-political satire Bassem Youssef develops an animated series based on his forthcoming book The magical adventure of Nadia.

according to Deadline, Youssef is collaborating with Powerhouse Animation Studios to adapt the book, inspired by life experiences themselves.

The book is described as “a humorous and heartwarming story of prejudice, friendship, empathy and confidence.”

Youssef has written the book with Catherine R Daly and Douglas Holgate has done the illustrations.

The book “The Magical Reality Of Nadia” will be released in February next year.

Youssef will be an active producer on the show as well as giving voice to one of the main characters.

Brad Graeber and Daniel Dominguez will also be executive producers.

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