Assault in Syria: The death toll has risen to 57; These are the sites that were attacked

The Syrian Center for Human Rights announced today (Wednesday) that at least 57 people were killed in last night’s attack in the al-Bukhmal and Deir a-Zor area. Among those killed were Syrian army soldiers, along with members of many pro-Iranian militias. According to other unverified reports, the number of people killed in the attack is expected to reach more than a hundred.

Tonight, the Syrian news agency Sana reported that the Israeli Air Force attacked several centers in the country. According to reports, the attacks attributed to Israel, in the Syrian media, call the attack “Israel’s most massive ever.”

Syria’s air defense systems are activated against an attack attributed to Israel (Photo: Reuters)

The al-Bukhmal area is close to the border crossing between Syria and Iraq, which is controlled by pro-Iranian militias. This crossing is used to carry out many arms and ammunition smuggling passes along the Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon route, and many attacks have been carried out in the past, both by Israeli aircraft and by American aircraft.

In the Deir a-Zor area, which is also located in the east of the country, there are estimated to be many bases and headquarters operated by the forces loyal to Iran. Estimates suggest that the many smuggled weapons are stored there, before continuing their route to the Syrian Golan Heights and to the Hezbollah organization in Lebanon.

This morning, the Associated Press quoted a senior US official as explaining the cooperation between Israel and the United States, which led to the widespread attack. For storing Iranian weapons. “The senior official was quoted as saying by the news agency that the warehouses also contained components related to the Iranian nuclear program.

The attack joins a number of recent incidents attributed to Israel, the most recent of which took place last week in the suburbs of Damascus. At the time, it was reported that the air defense systems had been activated, and that a Syrian soldier had been killed on the spot. The knowledge of the attack in question was weapons depots in an area belonging to pro-Iranian militias.
