Are autism drugs on the horizon?

A few years of research have shown the impact of genetic influences on the development of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Based on these studies, researchers have highlighted the common things that inhibit these mutations and how they affect brain activity. A study by Professor Sagiv Shifman from the Institute of Life Sciences at He-brew University in Jerusalem and the Center for Autism Research has found that autism-related genes are more likely to be involved the regulation of other genes and their favorable function in three areas of the brain; the cortex, striatum, and cerebellum.

The cerebellum is responsible for motor activity and recent findings have shown that it also contributes to the development of many social and mental functions. Based on these findings, the research team is hopeful that this will have a better effect on the connection between the cerebellum and autism and even lead to new treatments in the future.

The research study published in Nature Communication tested one of the most prominent genes associated with autism, Pogz. Professor Shifman selected this particular gene based on previous findings linking it to developmental and behavioral disorders of hyperactivity in some patients on the autism spectrum. In partnership with Professor Yosef Yarom from the Edmond & Lily Safari Center for Brain Sciences at the University of He-brew and other laboratories around the world, the research team studied how mutation in the Pogz gene effects on brain development in mice and in particular on activity. of the cerebellum.

The findings concluded that the mutation led to trans-social behavior, learning disabilities and at the same time affected the physical development of the mice. Upon further investigation, the research team also found that genetic mutation affected the proliferation of cells in the brain and inhibited the production of new neurons. The researchers believe that this may be why some children with the disorder exhibit smaller than normal head sizes.

Although there are currently no effective medications for the main symptoms of autism, Dr. Yarom believes that this research could be instrumental in the development of drugs to directly alter the neural processes in the cerebellum. Previous research by Professor Yarom has shown that certain chemical agents can alter the functional activity of the cerebellum. Continued research will therefore be focused on whether similar approaches to the laboratory mice could alter their behavior and reverse the effects associated with the movement.

“Our work with this unique gene that we know is linked to autism and has a profound effect on brain activity gives us great hope that we can develop medicines to treat children with autism. help, “said Dr. Shifman. Dr. Yarom said,” A better understanding of the neurological processes behind autism opens up promising opportunities for new treatments. ”


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