Apple’s radical new iPhone is suddenly taking shape

Apple iPhone 13 leaks have now revealed their ‘upset’ design, display, storage and performance updates. But Apple is also working on a much more radical iPhone and its design is now evolving.

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In his latest video (rooted below), industry-leading messenger Jon Prosser reveals that Apple has completed the form factor for a new folded iPhone, and may both the strategy and the launch strategy will be a surprise.

“[Apple] follows greatly in favor of clams [iPhone design], ”Says Prosser, which explains that the company has decided not to prioritize the most popular phone – to – tablet form factor that has controlled smartphones to date . “My sources are definitely not why, they know the clamshell is now getting most of the attention behind the scenes… [and] gaining behind-the-scenes production timeline. ”

But perhaps the most interesting thing about Prosser news is something that shows little: the colors. “One of the goals of this clamshell-style folded iPhone is to offer it in a variety of colors, such as fun colors, similar to basic iPhones models… that tell us who this phone will be marketed to. ”

Apple will turn off the launch of foldable iPhone heads, but Apple could launch a flexible iPhone at a reasonable price to change game. It may also explain the shape factor decision: clamshell for the masses (iPhone 12 Mini size in your pocket, but large screen use) with phone-to-tablet form factor coming later for loaders Pro-use.

All of this brings us to the next main point: timeline. Prosser warns that Apple’s plans may change but September 2022 is what it has said before. If he’s right, this puts pressure on Apple to get the iPhone 13 out of the park if it doesn’t want it to be seen as a replacement for the main event.

With what we already know, the iPhone 13 looks very promising but it is still an evolution when a revolution may be on the way.


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