Apple closes all UK stores for a period of time while coronavirus cases comply

Apple has closed all retail outlets in the UK for a while while the Covid-19 pandemic continues to soar into the country.

Apple has closed several stores and closed it for all locations in California, Mexico, Brazil and more than a dozen in London.

The tech giant has now temporarily closed the remaining 18 retail stores in the UK following a new round of tight locks in England and Scotland.

“The 18 Apple UK Stores open today will close from January 5. Covering all parts of Scotland. Most of the other 20 stores closed just before the free , “Michael Rettee, Apple Retail, Design, History, and Tech, said in a tweet Tuesday.

Apple runs 38 stores in the UK, 20 of which had already closed between 22 December.

“Everywhere was working with the Storefront or Express build of online orders only following the Tier 4 Covid-19 restrictions announced in December,” reports 9to5Mac.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that England will join another national lock, the third of its kind since the outbreak of the country’s coronavirus outbreak began early last year.

In a televised speech, he urged people across the country to “stay at home” except for permitted purposes, responding to the message back in March 2020.

The latest development came as a further 58,784 people in the UK tested positive for the novel coronavirus, marking the highest daily spike since the outbreak began, according to official figures.

There are now 2,721,622 cases and 75,547 deaths in the country.


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(Only the headline and image of this report may have been reworked by Industry Status staff; the rest of the content is automatically generated from syndicated feeds.)

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