Apartments for investment – investors are flocking


In November, 11.1 thousand dwellings were purchased (including government-subsidized dwellings), an increase of 15% compared to November last year and a sharper increase of 45% compared to the relatively low level recorded in the previous month (against the background of Sukkot and the closure in the first half of October).

After deducting government-subsidized transactions, the number of transactions in November amounted to 10.2 thousand dwellings, an increase of 25% compared to November last year and an increase of 52% compared to last October. This is also the highest level of these purchases in November since 2009.

 Those who led the increase in transactions in November were the investors. The total number of dwellings purchased by this segment of the market was 2.1 thousand dwellings, the highest level of these purchases since April 2016. Compared to November last year, this is a 75% increase in the weight of investors in total transactions, 19%, 6.5 percentage points higher than in comparison November last year and 1 percentage point higher than the previous month, however this rate is still significantly lower compared to the period before the tax increase in June 2015.

 Investor sales in November also amounted to 2.1 thousand apartments, an increase of 33% compared to November last year and a growth rate twice as high as that recorded in the total sale of second-hand apartments. Since June, investor sales have been growing at a higher rate than those sold by housing developers, while at the same time the proportion of apartments that “change hands” between investors has increased significantly. In November, this rate was 36%, nine percentage points higher than in November last year.

 In the employment segmentation of the investors who sold their apartment, it was found that since the outbreak of the corona crisis, the weight of the self-employed and company owners among these sellers has been significantly higher, compared to their rate among buyers of investment apartments. In the northern periphery, there is a sharp increase in the sales of investors in general, especially those who are self-employed and company owners.

 The contractors’ sales in November amounted to four thousand apartments, of which one thousand apartments were sold with a government subsidy. Compared to November last year, contractors ‘sales in the free market increased by a sharp rate of 53%. Including sales with a government subsidy, the rate of increase in contractors’ sales is reduced to 13%.

 “Price per occupant” sales continued to decline in November, by a sharp 38% compared to November last year. Since the outbreak of the corona crisis, these sales have fallen by 22% compared to the same period last year, a rate significantly higher than the decline recorded in young couples’ purchases in the free market.

 Purchases of housing improvers in November amounted to 3.5 thousand apartments, a moderate increase of 4% compared to November last year. Added to extend the length of time required to sell a second-hand apartment.

In November, 1.11 thousand dwellings were purchased (including government-subsidized dwellings), an increase of 15% compared to November last year and a sharper increase of 45% compared to the previous month. It should be noted that the level of transactions in October was affected, among other things, by the small number of working days (Sukkot) and the closure imposed until the middle of the month. After deducting sales from the government subsidy, the number of transactions in November amounted to 10.2 thousand apartments, an increase of 25% compared to November last year and an increase of 52% compared to last October.

In a multi-year comparison of the number of transactions in the free market in November in the last twenty years, it was found that last November is the highest since 2009. In summary, the total number of transactions, including government subsidies, last November is the highest.

For the full overview including graphs and data
