After Illness: Mrs. Esther Fromet Heiger p

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Tragedy in the Viznitz housing complex in Bnei Brak upon learning of the death of the important woman Mrs. Esther Fromm Heiger, the wife of the rabbi Rabbi Zelig Heiger, one of the writers of the Torah of the Rebbe of Viznitz, and she is only 29 years old at her death.

The deceased is the daughter of Rabbi Shmuel Kahana, one of the most important followers of Viznitz, who in recent years has suffered from the terrible disease that has lain near her.

The husband of the deceased, Rabbi Zelig Heiger, is known in Chassidut as an active activist, who has a hand in everything that is sacred, and in particular in spreading the springs and Torah of Rebbe Moiznitz, in all systems in Chassidut.

The couple used to convey faith and confidence in Gd to all around them, and recently her husband even organized a huge operation for all the Hasidim not to have small talk in prayers, and even stood at the entrance of the Great Beit Midrash and signed about 3,000 Hasidim who accepted the good Kabbalah.

During the last Saturday, the deceased was hospitalized again, where her condition deteriorated, until this morning she returned her soul to its creator.

She left behind her painful family, her important husband and only daughter.

Her funeral will take place in the coming hours from the Great Court in Kiryat Vizhnitz to the Vizhnitz Life Center in Bnei Brak.

May her soul be bundled in the bundle of life.
