Adi Granot: Partial annexation is the right way to eat the cake and leave it whole

History matters. The people of Israel will not really live alone and it is worth learning from the experience of other peoples and leaders. The first President of the United States, George Washington, was a huge and unique Democrat, leaving behind a tradition that has been preserved for more than two hundred years. A tradition of transferring power is orderly in democratic elections, with a president elected for a maximum of two terms, giving his people the opportunity to move forward with a new president-elect. Really not obvious.

In contrast, the French emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, appointed himself first consul, created a military dictatorship under his leadership, was elected emperor, and after a 10-year war campaign wreaked havoc on his army and France in defeat against Russia and at the Battle of Waterloo. In whose wake will Netanyahu choose to go?

Commander of the Revolutionary Army and First President of the United States, George Washington

Commander of the U.S. Revolutionary Army and First President of the United States, George Washington, decided to retire from political life and refused to stand for election to a third term as President of the United States in 1796.

Commander of the U.S. Revolutionary Army and First President of the United States, George Washington, decided to retire from political life and refused to stand for election to the 3rd term as President of the United States in 1796

Washington led the American Revolutionary Army to victory over the British Empire in a difficult and long war, which began in 1775 and lasted about 7 years after the American declaration of independence on July 4, 1776, and ended with the Treaty of Paris, in which England recognized US independence on September 3. 1783

Washington was elected and served as President of the United States for two consecutive terms but chose a rare and determined step to move the government forward and refused to run for a third term. In 1796 Washington wrote with his advisers Alexander Hamilton and James Madison the farewell speech published in the American press on September 19, 1796. The custom of the two terms of the presidents of the United States is preserved in American history almost without exception and is directly due to the rare personal example. Of the First American President and Grand Democrat George Washington.

The successful musical Hamilton depicts the American Revolution from the perspective of the first US Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, Washington’s right-hand man, features an moving farewell song in which President Washington informs Hamilton that he has decided not to run for a third term. The actors of the play Hamilton was invited to the White House to appear before President Obama, and in the front row of the performance next to Obama sat the President-elect of the United States in 2020 – Joe Biden.

Washington wrote in his historic farewell speech:

Friends and Citizens’ Partners: The time for a new citizen’s choice to run the U.S. government is approaching and in fact the time has come for your thoughts to materialize in choosing the man to take on the important role and public trust. I think it’s right for me to let you know now. Refuse to be one of those from whom the choice will be made“.

Washington has asked U.S. citizens to accept his desire to retire from the long service he has given them about 45 years of his life. In his farewell speech, Washington thanked his beloved country for the opportunity and great honor given to him to serve, Praised the unity, brotherhood and American free constitution – the actions of the citizens. Washington hoped that the Constitution would be carefully observed and that its implementation would be done wisely and for the better, So that the happiness of the citizens of the states under the freedom guaranteed by the Constitution will be complete, and so that the preservation of this blessing – will lead peoples who do not yet know the American Constitution to appreciate, like and adopt it.

Opening of Washington's farewell speech to U.S. citizens

Opening of Washington’s farewell speech to U.S. citizens, September 19, 1796

Netanyahu also grew up and was educated in the United States and is probably well acquainted with American history, the rare example of the leadership of the first president of the United States and the way in which he chose to say goodbye to his fellow American citizens.

Netanyahu also grew up and was educated in the United States and is probably well acquainted with American history, the rare example of the leadership of the first president of the United States, and the way in which he chose to say goodbye to his fellow American citizens.

Emperor of France – General Napoleon Bonaparte

In 1796, when George Washington gave up running for a third term as president, Napoleon first lost a battle against the Austrian army in northern Italy, a battle in Sano II.

Three years later, in 1799, Napoleon failed to conquer the city of Acre and was forced to give up his pretentious plan to conquer Jerusalem and return to France via Constantinople as the Eastern Emperor, who defeated the Turks, Arabs, Greeks and Armenians.

That same year, at the age of 30, and despite the failure of his conquest campaign in the Middle East, Napoleon declared himself the first consul of France, and for the next three years established a military dictatorship under his leadership in France. In May 1804 the French Senate elected him Emperor of France And the election was approved in a referendum in November 1804 by all citizens of France.

After a ten-year campaign in which Napoleon conquered most of western and central Europe, Napoleon’s army was defeated by the Russians in 1814 and Napoleon was expelled to the island of Alba in the Mediterranean by a coalition of countries: England, Russia, Prussia and Austria.

Napoleon did not give up and in less than a year managed to escape from his prison on the island of Alba, return to Paris, seize power and lead the French army to another heavy defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, in Belgium after which he was deported to Saint Helena, where he died in 1821. In the 15 years of his reign Napoleon also made many civil changes in France and in 1804 drafted a new civil constitution, the Code Napoleon, the set of laws of France, which served as a model for other countries in the world.

Contrary to the example of Washington the American Democratic president, Napoleon who created the new civil constitution of France, the Code of Napoleon, established a military dictatorship under his leadership, saw himself exalted, the emperor of France, the successor of Alexander the Great and the Roman emperors. .

Unlike Washington the American Democratic president, Napoleon established a military dictatorship under his leadership, saw himself exalted as a people, the French emperor, a seed of destruction and devastation in Europe and finally also brought disaster to his army and France

Benjamin Netanyahu is the only purple – the prince

Former Minister Zeev Elkin said last week the simple truth about Netanyahu, which he said was said in closed rooms and was criticized by Mickey Zohar, who claimed that Elkin took out the dirty laundry. This is what Elkin said:

You know the simple truth. Take from personal considerations the whole country to unnecessary fourth elections within two years, the angular elections. You know the truth, We are going to this delusional election because of your desire to influence the election of the State Attorney and the Ombudsman and for your hope for French law. But you, Mr. Prime Minister, you destroyed the Likud movement and brought it into it An atmosphere of personality worship And fear of criticism. GodYou destroyed the Likud movement, they are afraid of you and the atmosphere you created. You brought to the Likud a fear of expressing criticism and a Byzantine court. MKs who run to the studios will criticize me with a froth but they say the same thing about you in closed rooms“.

Benjamin Netanyahu did not declare himself an emperor and has not yet tried to change the Israeli government to a dictatorial system headed by him to evade conviction in court, but in a defense written on his behalf to the Supreme Court at the time the government was formed and already a criminal defendant, his defense attorneys claimed he was “unique.”

The distance between this claim regarding being an elevated virtuous people – until the change in the system of government in Israel – is not great. An elected prime minister is not the only virtue and is not above the law under Washington’s Democratic constitution, but according to Napoleon it certainly is.

Elkin says Netanyahu continues to appoint a state attorney, attorney general and behind-the-scenes promotion of French law even though he pledged to sign a conflict of interest agreement to get the High Court approval for Gantz and despite the attorney general’s opinion that the conflict of interest agreement he drafted binds Netanyahu. To systematically harm the status of the Attorney General and the court and he has not yet announced that he will abide by the conflict of interest agreement drafted by the Attorney General to keep his promise to the High Court.

Netanyahu has not crowned himself emperor and has not yet tried to change the Israeli administration to a dictatorship led by him, but in a defense letter submitted on his behalf to the Supreme Court as he has already been charged with crimes, his defense attorneys claimed he was a “purple individual”

It is better that Netanyahu chooses to follow in the footsteps of George Washington and allow the people to choose his next leaders. It is better that Netanyahu Will refuse to be one of those from whom the choice will be made, As Washington wrote in the farewell speech, and will not run in the next election for the fourth time in less than two years.

Three times Netanyahu tried to gain the public’s trust and failed, until he managed to form an inflated, expensive and failed government only with the help of Gantz and Ashkenazi’s defection, tricks and sticks. A government that held less than a year and now a fourth election.

Hopefully he will not choose the path of Napoleon, who appointed himself first consul, a dictator, who forced the French Senate to elect him emperor and dragged France to terrible defeats that ended in the conquest of Paris by the coalition countries and his exile to the island of Saint Helena.

It is worth learning from the experience of the Americans and the French and saving us unnecessary wars, destruction and devastation. The people of Israel have suffered enough and want to live freely in their countryThis is the essence of Zionism, to be a free people in our country. When the “individual of virtue” who considers himself exalted from the people, who demands exemption from taxes and the law, conducts state affairs as Prince of Machiavelli, the hope of being a free people in our country is undermined, and the hope of the “individual of virtue” escapes his court with French law.

To understand Netanyahu’s politics one probably needs to read the book of Niccolò Machiavelli, the prince.

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