ACC HFrEF Update includes ARNI, SGLT2 Inhibitor Tests as well as recommendations for care

From medication decisions to referral issues and costs, the committee focused on science and streamlining assistance.

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) has published a revised guideline for optimal treatment for patients with heart failure with a smaller ejection fraction (HFrEF). It updates a similar 2017 consensus document, with a look at recent science and important patient-centered issues.

Writing committee chairman Thomas M. Maddox, MD (Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO), said it was time for an update, given the success of therapeutic tests in HFrEF patients such as PARADIGM-HF, in whether the angiotensin-reducing inhibitor-neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI) sacubitril / valsartan (Entresto; Novartis) reduced the risk of multifactorial and hospitalized HF mortality, as well as a range of gliflozin tests showing sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) prevents lower rates of CV incidence, mortality, and adverse renal outcomes in addition to existing treatments.

“The strength of the literature encouraged these two medical classes to become psychiatric therapies, and we felt that growing data supporting their practice needed to be called out and clarified in this document, ‘he told TCTMD. Maddox said the committee was trying to make the paper as easy to use as possible for busy clinicians who were trying to keep up with the many treatments now available on their own. used for HF. They created a treatment algorithm for guided medical therapies that includes novel medications, as well as recommendations for the administration and titration of several drugs.

For now, the document will serve as an interim guide with full ACC guidance down the road. ACC 2021 Expert Consensus Consensus Decision Pathway for the Treatment of Heart Failure: Answers to 10 Pivotal Cases of Heart Failure with Lower Fuel Breakdown Published Today in the Journal of the American College of Geology.

Manual support from diverse committee

The committee aimed to address 10 key handling and regulatory issues. In addition to effectively administering medications, the issues include when you should refer to an expert; care coordination challenges; promoting medication adherence; regulates specific populations including African Americans, older adults, and frail elderly; management of comorbidities; and integrates palliative care and hospitalization.

Maddox said one of the strengths of the writing and steering committee that put together the document was that it was full of healthcare providers with diverse backgrounds and experiences, who helped in areas where they needed to dig deeper to provide the best practical advice. On the issue of improving medication compliance, for example, the committee came up with 10 recommendations that include a referral to ACC decision support such as CardioSmart and examples of questions that you should ask at an office visit to check regularly for maintenance (“How many times a week do you miss taking your medication?” “Have you recently run out of medication? ? ”).

Early initiation of medical therapy guided by the direction and achievement of targets is an ongoing theme throughout the document. The committee produced a number of figures and tables, including guidance on 12 important pathophysiologic targets, and the modeling has been shown to alter symptoms and / or outcomes for patients with HFrEF.

The document also addresses another common problem that is not always part of clinical discussions or formal documentation: medication costs.

“We need to talk about it. By choosing not to, you are promoting the ability of your patients to receive the care they need, ”said Maddox. “At the end of the day, if we are patient advocates, and I think that is what we all consider ourselves to be, we need to be able to think about costs and integrate that into the a way in which we talk to our patients. “

Cost-saving strategies that may be helpful to patients include the committee writes, reducing unnecessary duplication by better coordinating care; using standard qualifications where possible; working with a pharmacist, social worker or patient referrer to access Patient Support Programs; and demanding price matches from pharmaceuticals.

“In addition, price monitoring tools (e.g., GoodRx) can be used to help patients find vendors with the lowest cost medications,” the committee writes.

Maddox concluded that, despite the complexity and increasing costs of directed medical treatment for HFrEF, patients often have more options and support in addition to their physicians and families than usual. they could be sensitive. The current document aims to be a hands-on approach to offering easily identifiable clinical tools, ideas, and recommendations.
