Abandoned streets at midnight were full of New Year’s Eve reveals a year ago

A series of photographs show the stark contrast between streets that were left empty at midnight and when they were full of New Year’s Eve spies a year ago.

Trafalgar Square in London was routinely empty when the clock struck at midnight with officers putting up barriers to keep rulers away.

Photographs will also capture the difference between the traditional Scottish Hogmanay celebrations in Edinburgh this year compared to their predecessors, showing how the Covid-19 lock has had a major impact. take the city.

Meanwhile, an ambulance and news photographers were seen waiting on the empty street in front of the London Eye, with an image from 2019 showing tags of people waiting to take pictures of the tricks- fire in the same place.

Sadiq Khan confirmed that the traditional fireworks display would not go ahead in September, saying ‘we can’t pay’ until large numbers of people gather amidst a pandemic of coronavirus infection.

Instead, millions of Britons locked into a London light show went to a consumer in the New Year from home, with a pre-recorded display using drones for images such as the NHS logo and Captain Sir Tom Moore to design.

Apparitions arrive to celebrate the New Year at the Mall in central London in 2019
The only empty street seen last night

Appearers arrive to celebrate the New Year at the Mall in central London in 2019 (pictured left), coming in a stark contrast to last night’s empty street ( right). Trafalgar Square in London was usually empty at midnight

Scottish traditional Hogmanay in previous years
Traditional Scottish Hogmanay at midnight

Various images showing traditional Scottish Hogmanay in previous years (pictured left) and at midnight, showing the impact of the Covid-19 lock on Edinburgh. Hogmanay celebrations were moved online

The exhibition also featured a poem written by Tomos Roberts, who was born in New Zealand – and goes by the name Tomfoolery – and is entitled The Great Realization.

As fireworks lit up the skies, a reporter read: ‘In 2020, a new virus came our way. We knew what needed to be done and so to help us hide away.

Old habits became obsolete and made way for something new. And every simple act of kindness was now given. ‘

Just seconds later, a bird appeared in the sky – referring to the construction of Nightingale hospitals – after a snippet of a news broadcast said: ‘Buildings have been lit in blue, the color of the NHS’.

Towards the end of the exhibition, the shape of a turtle appeared in the sky as Sir David Attenborough said: ‘Happy New Year. Our planet is unique. A living world of diversity and wonder. It is also fragile.

‘With a new year comes the opportunity to change. And if we take action, in 2021 we can make a different world. ‘

Fireworks were also seen over Tower Bridge in the capital.

Despite many watching the light show from home, some Londoners seemed to be pushing their fortunes earlier in the evening with large crowds gathering in Piccadilly Circus and Westminster Bridge .

Under Stage 4 rules only two people from different villages can meet outside, but police have been seen speaking to a large crowd of five.

Earlier in the evening, fireworks lit up the skies over Newcastle in a spectacular display that thousands could see from their windows.

Broad Street in Birmingham pictured last year
Birmingham at midnight

Broad Street in Birmingham pictured last year, as opposed to midnight. Leeds, Birmingham and Cardiff saw streets that were almost empty when the Covid family stayed inside

A selection of people waiting to take pictures of the fireworks with a London eye
An ambulance and news photographers were seen waiting on the empty street

An ambulance and news photographers were seen waiting on the empty street in front of the London Eye (right), with a 2019 image showing tags of people waiting to take pictures of the fireworks. In the same place (left)

Hogmanay’s celebration was moved online, with Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon earlier warning people to mark ‘sensibly and within the constraints’.

She said: ‘To be clear, and I do not enjoy saying this, that means no gatherings, no house parties, no first steps. Instead, we should bring 2021 into our own homes with just our own homes. ‘

Blackpool – another famous New Year’s Eve site – was abandoned by citizens who obeyed the rules and stayed at home.

Leeds, Birmingham and Cardiff saw streets that were almost empty when the Covid family stayed inside.

Meanwhile in Primrose Hill, spies gathered outside in their house groups to monitor people’s backyard fireworks across the city’s skyline.

Compared to the rest of the UK, locals on the Isle of Scilly pictured were enjoying a New Year’s Eve drink in the only three English pubs that opened last night.

The islands’ strong 2,000-strong population is the only part of England that remains in Phase 1, with all other parts of the country moving into Levels 3 or 4.

What are the different rules for each series?

Series one as usual and measures will not be allowed to be more relaxed in any part of England:

  • A rule of six and social distance applies to indoor and outdoor gatherings;
  • Pubs and restaurants can open with table service only and closing time 11pm.

Stage Two:

People from individual households cannot meet inside and rule six applies outside;

  • People from individual households cannot meet inside and rule six applies outside;
  • Pubs have to close if they do not function as restaurants, with alcoholic beverages served with food;

All the Stage two rules apply Series three in addition to the following:

  • Indoor recreation centers such as cinemas, theaters and bowling alleys must close;
  • Pubs, restaurants and cafes must close except takeaway;
  • Shops and hairdressers and salons are allowed to stay open;
  • Groups of six are allowed outdoors;
  • People should avoid traveling out or into Level Three areas unless it is unavoidable.

Everything above applies Series four in addition to the following:

  • Those in Tier 4 areas are unable to meet insiders from outside their own homes at Christmas time;
  • People must not meet another person socially or engage in any activity with someone outside their home;
  • People can exercise or meet in an outdoor public place with people they live with, their support bubble, or with one other person;
  • Unnecessary shops must close, while supermarkets, partner centers and garden centers remain open;
  • A ‘stay at home’ order, excluding moving house, traveling to work or for education and care duties.
