A waitress wrote on a note “Need help?” And saved the life of a little boy

One particularly brave waitress who worked at a restaurant in Florida, USA, noticed a small child entering the place with his parents and sitting down at a table. Watch an excerpt from the press conference held after Carvalho’s heroic deed:

Already at the ordering stage the waitress noticed something unusual in the child’s behavior, which was collected, and in the many beatings that were on his body. After she noticed that the father had not ordered food for his little son, Carvalho began to connect the dots and realized that she could not stand aside without trying to help. The amazing waitress pulled out a note on which she wrote: “Do you need help?”, And showed him the note behind her back so that his parents would not notice. Listen to Carvalho’s phone call to the local police:

During a press conference that followed the incident, Carvalho said that after several attempts to get the boy’s attention, he did confirm that he needed help – and she rushed to call the local police. In a conversation with the police hotline, it was discovered that the couple had another child, aged four. “I’m worried and I do not know what to do, can you advise me what to do?”

The boy's abusive parents (Photo: YouTube screenshot)The boy’s abusive parents (Photo: YouTube screenshot)

Following the phone call, local police arrived at the scene and arrested the boy’s parents, whose names were revealed to be Timothy Wilson and Christine Swan. Already at that moment the boy was taken for medical treatment and told the Orlando police about the case by describing the pain and suffering he experienced at his home. The boy said that there were straps in his house that his parents would tie to his ankles and neck and hang him upside down on the door frame. He said his parents would also beat him with a wooden broom stick, handcuffed and tied up, and in addition, he was forbidden to eat as punishment.

Also, following this the two children of the abusive couple were taken to care by the welfare authorities and it was reported that they are “getting along very well and are happy at the moment”. If not for Flavin Carvalho and her act of heroism, the little boy would probably have continued to experience abuse and might not even have survived.
