A survey examined: How many Israelis will thoroughly clean the house ahead of Passover?

About a third of Israelis will paint the house ahead of Passover, according to a survey conducted today (Monday) for the Tambour company by the Roshink Institute. More than half of them paint the house every year. About 70% of those who paint their homes say that they will do the painting work themselves.

The survey also shows that the color preferred by Israelis for painting the house is white and the most common area in the house for painting is the living room. The data also show that the three main considerations in choosing a color for a home are its hue, the fact that it is made of components that are less dangerous to breathe and its durability over time. A third of survey participants indicated that they use eco-color.

“Survey data clearly indicate that Israelis’ level of awareness regarding a green and healthy environment is on the rise and the issue is a significant consideration for the consumer, who chooses the color that will accompany the walls of his home for several good years,” said Shalom Daniel, VP of Marketing and Business Development. The latter emphasized how much we are inside closed spaces, hence the importance of the air we breathe inside the house. “

Another survey conducted ahead of the holiday, regarding the cleaning habits of Israelis, shows that following the Corona crisis, 35% of Israelis have been cleaning their homes more since the outbreak about a year ago. 43% indicated that since the outbreak of the corona they have increased the use of antibacterial products.

The survey, conducted by the Roshink Institute for the Nicole brand from the Kimberly-Clark family, further shows that nearly 80% are responsible for performing household chores themselves, or sharing the cleaning tasks with the couple. Only 5% use the services of a maid or cleaning company.

The survey also shows that about 50% of Israelis clean the house at least once a week and 60% of Israelis clean the house thoroughly before Passover.
13% said they clean the house at least once a day, 19% of respondents clean their house two to three times a week, 48% clean the house once a week and 14% once every two weeks. An additional 5% clean the house once a month. The most hated cleaning task for about a third of them is window cleaning.

39% of respondents answered that they think the kitchen should be the cleanest area in the house, 28% voted for the bathroom and bathroom, 17% said it is important that the living room be the cleanest space, and only 1% said the nursery should be the cleanest area.

“Survey data indicate that Israelis have a great awareness of house cleaning throughout the year, and that the corona year has increased our awareness of personal hygiene for house cleaning,” noted marketing director of the cleaning brand Nicole Anat Bavli. “Similar to the entire market, we recognize a 29% increase in sales of cleaning, cooking and baking aids for Passover.”
