A Pokémon fan will unveil an amazing trailer of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Many fans were unhappy with the official trailer that fell for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. After that, one fan undertook to make a revised version of the trailer.

The fan who made the trailer will go through milleniumloops on YouTube. On the YouTube channel, there is only one video titled Pokemon Diamond and Pearl’s remakes are repetitive. It was pretty much a response to all the backlash the real trailer was getting from a lot of Pokémon fans.

In the reimagined trailer for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the graphics of the game are one of the main changes. Much of the same philosophy still exists, but the reimagined trailer makes the remixes resemble games like Sword and Shield. Many Pokemon fans were thrown off when it was revealed that this was not true for the official Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl games.

Instead of the modern graphics of Sword and Shield, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl have a chibi art style that takes the game back over a few years in graphics. It doesn’t look bad, but it’s a mix of 3D and retro graphics, which fans didn’t expect.

In the past, other Pokemon replays have been made to resemble the most conventional game of the time to bring older games back into a conventional generation. However, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl separated from that philosophy.

Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Pokémon details and reviews

Needless to say, fans were not entirely happy with the official trailer that was released, but the reimagined version has received much praise.

Some fans have blamed the appearance of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl as the replacements are on the outside. For the first time, Game Freak itself is not developing the replays. While some original directors are still involved in the project, it is largely a different team.

While it’s true that the graphics may not have been what most fans had hoped for, the remixes should stay true to what most fans will remember. Pokemon. Overall, Generation IV replacements only update a few systems, but the nostalgia factor remains in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

Published 14 March 2021, 08:36 IST
